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...at least that's what I call it! :unsure:






This fly came about because I didn't have any bead heads and wanted to add some weight to some small nymph patterns. Although I didn't have any beads...I did have a short section of sink-plug chain! I tied up one and caught a fish on it during the warm spell in mid -January. Unfortunately I lost the fly by virtue of an overly ambitious back-cast. However, since it has been effective, I tied a few more.


Interested to hear what you think...

  DrBullet said:
...at least that's what I call it! :unsure:






This fly came about because I didn't have any bead heads and wanted to add some weight to some small nymph patterns. Although I didn't have any beads...I did have a short section of sink-plug chain! I tied up one and caught a fish on it during the warm spell in mid -January. Unfortunately I lost the fly by virtue of an overly ambitious back-cast. However, since it has been effective, I tied a few more.


Interested to hear what you think...

just got some new ideas for a new pattern, will post it later on.




I like the idea quite a bit, have you ever thought about putting two white biots on the top for wings, I think it would be absoultly aswome.


If you want to add weight and not use a bead head or small dumb bell eyes, I use lead sheets that I can wrap around the hook (many other members have posted about doing this in the past) then the lead can be hidden under all the dressing. Just a suggestion.


Nigel, Let's be truthful!! This fly came about cuz you're a cheap ass Scotsman!! LoL :clapping::clapping:


Nice ties! I'll take 1/2 a doz please!!





  DrBullet said:
This fly came about because I didn't have any bead heads and wanted to add some weight to some small nymph patterns.



Thanks for the feedback. Yeah...I need to get some biots (and a bunch of other tying materials!).

The orange feathers that I used on a couple of these were "borrowed" from my 3 year old son's "craft box"! My tying is fairly "improvisational"...OK Uber, I confess...I'm cheap!


I also need to get some lead foil coz I only have fairly thick guage lead wire. However, I steer clear of lead a little coz I've heard horror stories of people being fined just for having leaded flies in their fly box when they're in the National Parks...even if they're not using them.


If I was fined for having lead flies in my box I would fight it, cause there is no proff that I was using it and its not illiegial to have. It would be just like fining you for not having your barbs pinched in your box.


Oh btw nothing wrong with beeing cheep, it just makes you smarter then the rest of us that keeps on spending our paycheaques on fly ting material.

  bhurt said:
If I was fined for having lead flies in my box I would fight it, cause there is no proff that I was using it and its not illiegial to have. It would be just like fining you for not having your barbs pinched in your box.


Actually, yes it is illegal to have lead...


Canada National Parks Act, General Fishing Regulations

When angling, it is unlawful to:


* Fish without a national park fishing permit.

* Fish with or possess within 100 metres of park waters the following:

o natural bait and chemical attractants;

o any lead tackle (sinkers, jigs, lures and flies) under 50 grams;

o lures with more than 2 gang hooks;

o a line capable of catching more than one fish at one time.

* Fish with more than one line at a time.

* Fish closed waters.

* Leave a fishing line unattended.

* Fish from 2 hours after sunset to one hour before sunrise.

* Allow your catch to spoil or to be wasted.

* Sell, trade or barter any fish caught.

* Place live fish or fish eggs in any park water or transfer them between bodies of water inside (or outside) the park.

* Place any food for fish in park waters.


Taken from Parks Canada


Lets try and get our facts straight before misleading people next time.

  DrBullet said:

Thanks for the feedback. Yeah...I need to get some biots (and a bunch of other tying materials!).

The orange feathers that I used on a couple of these were "borrowed" from my 3 year old son's "craft box"! My tying is fairly "improvisational"...OK Uber, I confess...I'm cheap!


Nice ties. I think I would try a few different coloured biots especially red.

I got the biots I use in many different colours from the wife's craft box, I too am cheap:)

  fish4trout said:
Actually, yes it is illegal to have lead...


Canada National Parks Act, General Fishing Regulations

When angling, it is unlawful to:


* Fish without a national park fishing permit.

* Fish with or possess within 100 metres of park waters the following:

o natural bait and chemical attractants;

o any lead tackle (sinkers, jigs, lures and flies) under 50 grams;

o lures with more than 2 gang hooks;

o a line capable of catching more than one fish at one time.

* Fish with more than one line at a time.

* Fish closed waters.

* Leave a fishing line unattended.

* Fish from 2 hours after sunset to one hour before sunrise.

* Allow your catch to spoil or to be wasted.

* Sell, trade or barter any fish caught.

* Place live fish or fish eggs in any park water or transfer them between bodies of water inside (or outside) the park.

* Place any food for fish in park waters.


Taken from Parks Canada


Lets try and get our facts straight before misleading people next time.



So let me get this straight if the fly is under 50 grams and has lead on it then it is legal to use.......


I said I would fight it (I did not give a weight just said if it was in my box) and I am accused misleading which I am not because it is LEGAL to use lead as long as it is under a certain weight limit, maybe I should of said a weight limit, but honestly what fly out there is ober 50 grams, I wrapped a Mustad hook 79580 Size 2 hook with 0.35 lead from top to bottom and it weighted 28.765grams not even close to 50grams thats a pretty damn big hook with tons of lead to even get close to 50grams

  fish4trout said:
Actually, yes it is illegal to have lead...


Canada National Parks Act, General Fishing Regulations

When angling, it is unlawful to:


* Fish without a national park fishing permit.

* Fish with or possess within 100 metres of park waters the following:

o natural bait and chemical attractants;

o any lead tackle (sinkers, jigs, lures and flies) under 50 grams;

o lures with more than 2 gang hooks;

o a line capable of catching more than one fish at one time.

* Fish with more than one line at a time.

* Fish closed waters.

* Leave a fishing line unattended.

* Fish from 2 hours after sunset to one hour before sunrise.

* Allow your catch to spoil or to be wasted.

* Sell, trade or barter any fish caught.

* Place live fish or fish eggs in any park water or transfer them between bodies of water inside (or outside) the park.

* Place any food for fish in park waters.


Taken from Parks Canada


Lets try and get our facts straight before misleading people next time.


why don't you get your facts straight, those are the regulation in the national parks, many water systems do not reside in national parks. ;mornCoffee:

  bhurt said:
So let me get this straight if the fly is under 50 grams and has lead on it then it is legal to use.......

Actually, it's the other way around.


When angling, it is unlawful to:

Fish with or possess within 100 metres of park waters the following:

any lead tackle (sinkers, jigs, lures and flies) under 50 grams;

  daxlarsen said:
why don't you get your facts straight, those are the regulation in the national parks, many water systems do not reside in national parks. ;mornCoffee:

You should try reading all the posts in the thread before posting...


  DrBullet said:
However, I steer clear of lead a little coz I've heard horror stories of people being fined just for having leaded flies in their fly box when they're in the National Parks...even if they're not using them.


  fish4trout said:
Canada National Parks Act, General Fishing Regulations


Taken from Parks Canada


So yeah, those are the regs for the national parks (I think it was pretty clear), but that's what the discussion was about.


I went to the site that was provided and right under these regulations there was something intresting, it stated the following:


This brochure is NOT a complete listing of the National Parks Fishing Regulations and has no legal status. More information is available from park wardens and park information centres.


I also went to the Canada department of justice for some clarification on the whole lead thing and this is what I found.


“lead jig” means one or more weighted hooks that contain more than 1.0 per cent lead by weight and that are tied to a fishing line and used for catching fish; (turlutte plombée)


“lead sinker” means an object that contains more than 1.0 per cent lead by weight and that can be used to sink a fishing line by attachment of the object to the fishing line; (lest en plomb)


Oh and btw way, yes Mark I misread it but my point was it is not illiegal to have lead flies there are just regulations to the amount.


So what is 1% of the (total) weight of a "fly" (nymph vs. streamer) and is it 1 % of just the weight of the hook, or a fully dressed fly?!




  bhurt said:
I went to the site that was provided and right under these regulations there was something intresting, it stated the following:


This brochure is NOT a complete listing of the National Parks Fishing Regulations and has no legal status. More information is available from park wardens and park information centres.


I also went to the Canada department of justice for some clarification on the whole lead thing and this is what I found.


“lead jig” means one or more weighted hooks that contain more than 1.0 per cent lead by weight and that are tied to a fishing line and used for catching fish; (turlutte plombée)


“lead sinker” means an object that contains more than 1.0 per cent lead by weight and that can be used to sink a fishing line by attachment of the object to the fishing line; (lest en plomb)


Oh and btw way, yes Mark I misread it but my point was it is not illiegal to have lead flies there are just regulations to the amount.


  headscan said:
You should try reading all the posts in the thread before posting...






So yeah, those are the regs for the national parks (I think it was pretty clear), but that's what the discussion was about.


well then maybe i'll just shut my big mouth

  Teck said:
Any ways back to the topic. nice flies DRbullet. me thinks I'll be raiding my bath room tonight for sink chain.

Thanks for getting us back on topic! Amazing how even the most innocent comment can precipitate controversy! Passionate bunch, flyfishermem! I hope I will not be blamed for any plumbing malfunctions resulting from misapproriation of tying materials! ;o)




Looks pretty good but to me it seems to be missing something, perhaps some fibres tied in at the throat or add some rubber legs


brad fishing lead in teh parks is illegal.. even if u tied a small wooly bugger i would bet that over half of the weight of your fly would be lead.. easy.. if not more.. u htink some marabou, chenille and a hackle fibre outweight half dozen lead wraps? so u are only technically allowed" 1% and 50% of your flies weight is lead.. ur done... all fishing store in the parks also sell non lead weights lures beedhead flies etc because it is illegal.. u could fight it but u would get fined .. guarnteed

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