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Cash Bonuses May Be Paid To Canada's Olympic Hockey Team

Guest Sundancefisher

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Guest Sundancefisher
Athlete's choice. Not ours.


I can understand why you would say that but...


It is your tax payer dollars that is paying into this system. The original intent was to provide some measure of monetary reward for all the hard work and recognition and value to Canadians ...and was set up when only amateurs were allowed to compete.


Now that we have highly paid professionals...it seems silly to pay them. It should be an honour as a professional to compete should it not?


Anyways...if I am paying for it...I feel I can at least comment. Just curious if anyone else realized this.


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Now that we have highly paid professionals...it seems silly to pay them.

Maybe highly paid professionals shouldn't be allowed to compete in the first place? I was always under the impression that the olympics were a showcase for amateur sports, but maybe I'm mistaken.

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So who becomes the judge? Let's say Bob gets paid $1000.00 for winning some snowboard competition. He is now a professional and would be ineligible for any bonus from Canada Olympic committee?


What if a Junior player made the hockey team? Would he be eligible?


No, keep it simple. If the rule is medal winners get money, then medal winners get money. If the professionals want to donate, and they probably should, then they can donate. But that is their choice not mine. If they win gold, then about 500K goes to the hockey team. That's what, $0.20 or so from me? I'm ok with that since I'll watch every game.


And the amateur/professional ship sailed long ago.

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