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Fly Huntin' Sexist Bastard

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A woman walked into the kitchen to find her

husband stalking around with a fly swatter


'What are you doing?'

She asked.


'Hunting Flies'

He responded.


'Oh. ! Killing any?'

She asked.


'Yep, 3 males, 2 Females,' he replied.



Intrigued, she asked.

'How can you tell them apart?'


He responded,

'3 were on a beer can,

2 were on the phone'

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so 2 guys were fishing in a boat, after hours and hours of no success, one of the men finally gets a tug.


"I GOT ONE I GOT ONE!!!" he yells. Only moments later he finds that it was actually just an old lamp at the end of his line.


he decides to rub off the years of grime from sitting on the bottom of the lake and finds there is actually a genie inside who


is willing to grant him a single wish. "Oh that's easy" he replies "I want you to turn the lake into beer!" "done" replies the genie.


and a few moments later the genie disappeared and the lake began to boil with the telltale carbonation of beer.


"Wow it actually worked!" cried the fisherman, to which his fishing partner replied "Yah, great job genius, now we have


to piss in the boat!"

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