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Everything posted by Brad29

  1. Where could I get one of these?
  2. Give me a call Kyle when you go out, I gotta give it a try this year. That video was awesome.
  3. Brad29


    Couple of pics from the Bow, hooked 9 that day and had 7 to hand. Great day out!
  4. Whenever I use my auger and finish drilling holes I drill a hole about a foot deep or so and keep the auger in it. Blade is safely concealed.
  5. Amen, Smitty
  6. There is very little "good debate" or a "reasonable discussion" on here anymore. Just one member attacking another. That isn't everybody on here just a select few. I love looking at all the pics and reports but its getting a bit much.
  7. Great bull Lorne and awesome pics Kyle. Forget what has been said and enjoy the memories of your trip. Wish I could have made it there with you guys. This forum is going to the dogs, just as FFA did. You can't post a photo without someone jumping down your throat.
  8. Those are some nasty looking flies.
  9. Great pics Lorne, you sure are getting lots of time on the water.
  10. Great pics Lorne, you had better luck than Kyle and I.
  11. Thanks for the info. Brownstone. What brand of toon would you recomend and what is a reasonable price.
  12. This is a trout unlimited 9' pontoon. On ebay for around $400.00. Anybody have any experience with these. Any info. would be greatly appreciated.
  13. Brad29

    Ice Fishing

    FLAG UP!! Run to the tip-up like a madman and set the hook.
  14. Brad29

    Ice Fishing

    Had the kids out for a few hours on th ice. Had a few hits only one fish landed. Hit the scales at approx. 12lbs.
  15. I want to buy a new vise, rotary preferabley. What is a good brand to buy under $200.00. Thanks, Brad.
  16. Caught a few this year but this is the only pic i have.
  17. Just a few pics from this year.
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