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Everything posted by Brokentippet2

  1. That phrase makes no sense in the context of this conversation. Practice what you preach would have been a much better choice of words if your implying that my comment was as arrogant as the one you had made. Hope you have a great day. Bud. 👍
  2. Yes they will. I haven't found a shop in the city that wouldn't.
  3. Wow bud nice response. If you have nothing positive to contribute to the thread......dont
  4. I picked up a new 7wt with the idea being to use it for bull tout, pike, and streamers on the bow. I didnt go with the 8wt because i figured it was overkill for the bow and didnt want to invest money into a rod that i cant use on a regular basis as most of my fishing is for trout. I spoke to a few people and did my homework on the rod but now im wondering if a 7wt is undersized for pike ???? Thoughts ?
  5. I was at the upper falls last week. Didnt go any further than the falls but the road looked good
  6. The fact that they are allowed to leave their trailers up and leave is complete bs the two week time period is fine but what stops them from coming up on the weekend and leaving home for the work week and coming up for the next weekend prior to having to pull out. When you leave you should have to take your trailer with you. All teailers vacant for longer than 48hrs should be ticketed on a daily basis until removed. Just my thoughts
  7. Maycroft will bring you all the way to a "T" intersection on hwy 40 by Dutch Creek. You go over the bridge at Dutch and make a left. That road will take you to the falls. Grab a copy of the southern alberta back roads maps book (fly shops have them) worth every penny and will show you exactly how to get to where you want to go.
  8. Just wondering what everyone uses to carry there gear in/organize with. Tried an old laptop bag and it's not making the cut. Just thought I'd ask here before resorting to the $150+ for a travel bag
  9. So how would this affect an out of province angler that does not require a guide. Just wondering if these rivers are off limits to the general public during these "rod days" or if it is only accessible to be guided by bc guides during these times ?
  10. Would someone be so kind as to explain to me what rod days are. Tried looking it up but couldn't seem to find anything
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