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Posts posted by headscan

  1. Sorry, didn't mean to imply that the Decho is only for beginners - lots of skilled guys seem to love them. They're a medium action rod, so not quite as difficult to learn on as a fast action rod. In the end it comes down to personal preference for rod action though, just like it does for a single hander. I'd suggest trying to make it out to the next spey gathering to try a bunch of different setups.

  2. Yep, 11 steps ( I counted because I knew I was going to post this ). We ended up just leaving and finding some different water. I agree, sharing wasn't the issue for me, it was the imposition without discussion.

    Was that you yelling across the river asking me about etiquette?

  3. I made my own tilt/shift lens and use it on my DSLR. I'm still on the fence as to whether or not it works for fishing photos or not. I like it, but I'm interested in what the general fishing public thinks of the effect.

    I think it worked beautifully for the second pic, but I'm undecided on the other two. In the third pic it would've been really cool to see the line shooting out but I think the shift blurred it. At first I didn't like that the mountains were blurred on the first one but the more I look at it the more I like it. Great composition on all of them though. Keep 'em coming!

  4. Yeah, it was a great day and a good group of people. One of the best things in my mind wasn't even just the casting instruction (though that was really good), but that Brian makes you watch the other people in the clinic cast and diagnose their faults and help fix them. It was great to watch people who had a few problems in the morning throw some incredibly tight loops by the afternoon.


    The only unfortunate part for me was that Brian brought one of the Opti Switch prototypes and I tried it out. I really don't need another stick but that thing will make such a perfect all around Bow river rod.

  5. My suggestion is more of a process one. Go to a few of the different shops in town and look at the rods they have that are in your price range. Then ask if you can test them. Buy the one you like best. Make sure to test a bunch before you plunk your cash down and try to test them all the same day. If a shop won't let you test their rods, thank them for their time, turn around, and walk out the door.

  6. Just curious but..... does it matter?

    Kind of my thought too. With a single hander I've always cast right and reeled left. When I picked up the two hander people said if you cast right hand dominant then you should be reeling right handed as well for various reasons. I tried it but found it too awkward so went back to reeling left handed on the two handers as well. Go with whatever you're most comfortable with.

  7. then tip up and pump em..... reel down lifp "pump" up...

    Yeah, totally forgot this one. After I started pumping them in instead of using the reel to bring them in my landing percentage went way up. Works especially well with big fish if you have a fighting butt on your rod because you can plant it in your side and use your whole body to leverage them in.

  8. A city builds a road with lacklustre lighting, no stop lights at unncontrolled busy intersections, etc...


    It always takes a tragedy for the proper safety procedure or protocol to be put in place, there is a myriad of examples of this. Government, private business are all guilty of it.

    Yup, government and private business are guilty of this, but it doesn't make it right nor does it excuse Wholesale.


    I will guarantee you that now they will have a better procedure for inventory control and who has access to the restricted weapons. Pretty easy to say from the outside that they should have their license revoked without knowing the facts.

    How can you guarantee that? By revoking the license and making them pass an inspection before granting their license again then it's more likely that they'll have something solid in place. Ultimately the province or whoever it is that grants licenses for selling firearms is just as culpable here for not keeping a closer eye on things. Places that sell liquor and cigarettes are routinely checked to make sure they aren't selling to minors and following other regulations. If they violate the regs, they're fined. Next step is temporary suspension of their license, then finally their license can be revoked. Same thing should be done here.

  9. I always use side pressure rather than keeping my tip up high. Also, if you don't have enough drag on your reel and can't crank it up during the fight (small drag knob or whatever) you can always try palming your reel to slow the fish down. If you can't reel back in fast enough maybe you need a reel with a larger arbor or just need to practice reeling in faster. You could also strip the line back in with your hand then reel that extra line in when the fish stops running at you.


    As for reeling with the wrong hand, I don't know. Could make a difference. I'm right handed and reel left because that's the way I was taught. I reel faster left handed but probably just because I've been doing it that way for so long. When I first started spey casting people told me I should be reeling right handed since I cast right handed, but I tried it and it felt too awkward so all my reels went back to being left hand retrieve.

  10. I hope they will considering pulling their license to sell firearms. This is ridiculous in my opinion.

    I'll even go further and say their license should be pulled immediately until they're able to prove they've improved inventory control. Kind of makes me wonder what kind of safeguards other stores have in place. How many other stores have worse controls than Wholesale and just haven't noticed their missing guns yet?

  11. don't leave you lined reel in the back window of your car for example.

    Also a good way of having to replace your line, reel, and a car window...


    I've found that the durability of a line is also related to the line manufacturer. I clean my lines fairly regularly and some from certain manufacturers just start cracking and splitting sooner than others.

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