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Posts posted by ggp

  1. I was one of the campers up there on this party of 5. We ate really well but fished horribly. I am getting to the point of moving back to BC... I have lived in Calgary for 10 years now, I used to fish A LOT in the lower fraser valley of BC and i caught an awful amount of fish. I just started to fly fish agian this year and I have not found an adequate let alone easy fishery. I guess Winston and I will continue pounding the waters and soon maybe soon I can be graced with 1 just 1 fish over 12."


    I'll be back out this week end again hoping to find the elusive alberta trout..... marking off the days on my calender until I head back to BC for a solid fishing weekend on the upper chehalius (sp?) or chilliwack.... october you can't come soon enough



    I can equate this to the first time I went out to Vancouver Island and fished for Salmon....the fish were there, however having no experience with Salmon, I didn't do very well....I kept at it and began to catch fish, and now I do quite well....what I am getting to here is don't quit, keep at it and you will eventually catch fish...K Lakes are not the easiest lakes to fish but when you begin to learn its secrets, it will be well worth the time invested...there is some misleading information going on in this thread....no question that when the interlakes system is turned on fishing is better, but even when the water is not flowing, fish can and are "still" caught...check out some of the threads in both Photo Posts and Calgary Stillwaters....the water had risen and the interlakes was turned off when we were last there, but fish were still caught...take beedhead's advice, don't give up!!! In your choice of flies, bigger is not always better when targeting bull trout....by going smaller you will also increase your odds of catching bows and cutts.

  2. My wife and I bought new cameras on the weekend and decided to head out to Fish Creek to really get acquainted with them....Here are some of the pic's we took....enjoy!!!



















  3. Great post SilverDoctor....Man did that bring back some fond memories :) ....It has been many years since I was last at Oyama with my buddy richmia from the board and a couple of friends who live in the Kelowna area....from what I remember the road in was just a truck or 4 wheel drive trail, that was quite steep and very rough, but man what a view of the valley below....now I will have to go dig up the old pic's....thanks for sharing.

  4. Hey Jeff....Great pic's...glad you were able to get a pic of momma griz and her cub....I also saw a griz with two cubs on may way home but was unable to get a pic....was great to fish with you again and to meet up with Glenbow.

    I also took a couple of pic's of you playing and holding the second Bull.



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