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Posts posted by ggp

  1. hmmm. :)


    great report. but shame shame shame for mentioning what flies you used. Now everyone will be catching fish, and the fly shops will be cleaned right out. all becuase you put a report on FFC.


    (If you aren't getting my sarcasm .... you need a cup of coffee... and thanks for the report)

    Thanks Brian....... ;mornCoffee: I'm now having my morning coffee and a good laugh!

  2. Got out for a few hours yesterday and today, played four nice bows yesterday all on midges. Today nothing on the midge, however a gold ribbed hares ear, copper john and the worm all produced some nice fish. I even met up with a conservation officer who checked my license and hooks, first time in well, I can't remember that far back.


    size 20 midge in this bows mouth



    This nice bow fell to a copper john



    and finally this little one with a hares ear in its mouth


  3. I have no problem with taking a quick picture and then releasing a fish, however I don't like to see them held by the gill plate or laying on ice, and that applies to any fish. Unfortunately we see it all the time on many fishing shows, where the entire body is being supported by a hand through the gill plate, or both the gill plate and then supporting the rest of the fish between the anal and tail fins. But no matter what an individuals opinions may be it is a blood sport and we are all guilty of causing stress and possible mortality to any fish we hook. I will always try to influence by my actions rather than dumping on someone's handling of a fish that I don't agree with. In the long run it is still my opinion and not everyone will share it.

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