I have had one for years.
Be sure you keep your hands clear of the net part when you release it. It can really bite ya.
Take it outa the pouch with your hand holding the folded up part. It will open otherwise and it does hurt if you get anything near it. Its spring loaded basically.
The cotton eventually wears through where its mounted to the stainless steel hoop part. Since they have the ghost net now i think ill order one of those. Easier on fish im told.
I prefer the plastic holster to the leather one. It slips in to it easier one handed. Leather is way to tight which makes it awkward to get out one handed plus leather rough side is in.
Obviously the size for hiking is great.
Its nostalgic. Been around for a long time. Great company to deal with.
If you like having fun, show folks how easy it is to fold and then let them try. It takes a while to get it figured how to do it. Looks easy but isnt so much till you get it. Kinda like fly fishing.
They sent me a plastic holder for it when i mentioned i didnt care for the leather. So i had two holders. I modded the leather for something else later.