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Everything posted by pokibear

  1. Awesome set of pics!!!!
  2. pokibear


    Nice lookin' fish !!! Thanks for sharing.
  3. Fantastic pictures, Thanks for sharing.
  4. Just had time to check out the pics Jeff, Awesome as usual!!!!!! Had to skip 1/2 of the post as it was B.S. Great to see your daughter having a great time. I think you need to get a new job so you can keep adding the great posts and pics!!!!!
  5. Once again Jeff, those are some awesome pics!!! Looks like your having a blast!!!!!!
  6. pokibear


    I have been tying on a nor - vise for several years now, I would not go back to anything else. The midge jaws are a definite item to get also.
  7. pokibear


    Awesome pictures!!!!!!!
  8. I usually head back to B.C. every year for a break but never have taken a fly rod along.To many other things to do. This year it will be hidden away in the luggage for sure!!!!!
  9. I will be heading back that way near the end of July for a well needed holiday. I may have to take a trip up that way to Oyama lake and check it out. Did you go into the hills at Winfield at all to Beaver Lake. I think you can drive right across from Beaver Lake to Oyama Lake, with truck and chainsaw of course!!!!
  10. Wow, I did not think living in Alberta that anybody would know of Oyama. I lived in Oyama for sevreal years before moving here.Just hearing the name brings back great memories!!! Definately beautiful country.
  11. those are some awesome looking fish!!!
  12. not sure if you are still looking for a tying vise, I have an ANVIL APEX VISE that I am willing to part with. I was waiting for a set of midge jaws for my NOR - VISE and picked it up. It has the base mount and the c - clamp .Only tied with it for a couple of weeks. i am located in THE HAT.
  13. The retie looks awesome, I agree also to stripping the fibres off the marabou quill, gives better movement. You could also add a couple strands of flourofibre in the tail.
  14. pokibear

    A Nice Fish..

    that's an awesome lookin' fish.
  15. I like to tie my own flies so I get the patterns and colors I want. It is a very relaxing hobby. Best of all ,it is an awesome feeling once you hook your first fish on your own fly.
  16. Thanks for the link , I did not think of that
  17. O.K., so the kayak idea is out of the question!!!! I am coming to Calgary next week and am interested in getting myself an early birthday present. Where are some good places to buy a belly boat ? I already have a pontoon boat but would like to get somthing that I can toss in the back of my van. Thanks in advance for any ideas, also please add where abouts the store is as I do not know Calgary all that well!!!!!
  18. I have a pontoon boat, I have thought about a belly boat also. A fellow I chat with in Florida has been on about the kayak idea, then I saw the article on them so thought I would check it out on here.
  19. HA-HA, I am sure that is how I would look also, of course though I would be looking for the fish!!!!!
  20. I was doing some reading in the new issue of Outdoor Canada about fishing from a kayak. Does anybody have one? If so, what do you think of it? The article says that there are 2 kinds, one that you sit in and one that you sit on top. Looks to be an interesting set up.
  21. Trained bear, or not trained bear, I still would be crapping my pants!!!!
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