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Everything posted by vanslays1

  1. $40 on item 4.
  2. $300 on item 2.
  3. I have this same system on a pair of snowboarding boots, and they failed in a season. It would have been a lot easier to just replace laces rather than sending my boots into the manufacturer. Different sport, but I would not go with that lacing system again. It would be nice if it was more reliable because for some reason I hate spending the extra time tying up my wading boots...
  4. IMO, I'd rather live in Pincher than in Fort Macleod. Closer to lots of great spots, and not as rough.
  5. I was wondering how that was done. I was pretty sure these guys did not have the budget for a helicopter.
  6. I don't spend any time on lakes, but I've been wanting to fish for pike for a while. When does the ice usually come on? Also, how long is you're usual pike fly (not hook length)? Thanks
  7. Guess I shouldn't worry too much about it. Thanks guys.
  8. Will this weather affect the fishing for the rest of the fall? I'm thinking BWO hatches, and the rest of the season for the mountain streams. Merry Christmas, I guess...
  9. Great photos. That fish looks a little bigger than the other golden trout photos I've seen, nice work. Never caught a golden before. Are they a char? Just noticing the white edges on their fins.
  10. Thanks for the info. I will try all of that.
  11. Don't worry too much. No actual harm will come to the person leaving rock filled coffee cups all over the banks. The litterer will live to litter another day.
  12. I guess I should add that I am talking about fishing with backswimmers (or are they called boatmen?) on the Bow. Thanks.
  13. I've never caught anything with backswimmers, and the season is coming up pretty quick. Any tips on how to fish with backswimmers. Depth? Indicator? Retrieve? Do you swing 'em? Are they mostly found in slow water? Any info is appreciated. Thanks guys.
  14. Haha. Disposable cup charge is a good idea.
  15. I live in douglasdale and have been fishing upstream of the douglasdale foot bridge, just across stream from diamond cove. So far I have found six 7-11 coffee cups scattered along the bank. They all have a rock stuffed into them so they don't float away, I guess? If I find the guy leaving these cups along the bank, I'm going to throw one of the rocks at his head. Hate picking up other people's trash. Fishing has been good though!
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