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Everything posted by bmckenney

  1. There is Tarpon on the Caribbean side, but it would be out of your way. Not sure about Nicaragua Pacific side fishing or surfing. I would head to thehulltruth.com and search the fishing board for Nicaragua fishing. I had a quick look and there is info posted.
  2. I do know about mudhole.com. And there are a few discussion boards on rod building. I'd still like to find someone local to kind of coach me. I have read that each subsequent build is usually an improvement over the previous one. So my first attempt at this will likely end up being pretty fugly if I do it my myself. Seems like it would be a good idea to find someone willing to teach me the basics.
  3. I was wondering if anyone is in to rod building in Calgary and would be interested in helping me build my first rod. I'm looking to build a 7 foot single piece Tarpon spin rod. Not a fly rod at this point. That will come later. I've got until mid October to finish it. Nothing fancy or complex. I've watched some youtube videos on rod building and I get the process but I lack experience and tools at this point. I'm currently trying to figure out what blank to use.
  4. Thanks guys. Appreciate the full on recipe for a thing-a-ma-jig-rig and the yarn and the no indicator approach. Last year the guide was using a small cork and toothpick and it worked really well. I enjoyed the results and ease of use of a float indicator. I'm just not skilled enough to go without this at this point in my life. Just finished raising two kids and getting back in to fly fishing. My plan is to fish more and more now.
  5. I was on the Crowsnest last year with a guide but the day was cut short. He turned me on to nymph setup with a cork floating indicator that I'd like to try again, but I just didn't have the time with him to memorize the details. Does anyone know of a good how to online reference to get this setup?
  6. That's a big fish. Way to stay determined and think outside the fly box.
  7. I have a couple of pair of LL Bean breathable waders. It's easy to buy online, figure out sizing and shipping isn't bad at all. And their customer service is excellent. I'm a repeat customer because of their service. But I suppose buying waders online isn't for everyone.
  8. Thanks guys. That's what I needed to know.
  9. heading down to the crows in late august. one day is a guided walk and wade with Brian Peace. The other day will be a float tube belly boat in one of the lake options in the area. Location is still TBD. Maybe Lees. I'm looking for some advice on rod/line setup. I have a 6 weight with a floating line on it. Can I get by with a dry line on a lake? What is a good leader/tip setup and method for fishing this way?
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