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Posts posted by humblefisherman

  1. Hello friends,


    With a morning of rain and the Drifter reno's on hold, it give's me the chance to post another adventure. Late September is a great time to target Brookies in the headwaters. This river is known for it's Rainbows but if you time it right, and walk till your feet fall off, you can find the big brookies pooling up in some of the larger slower holes. Double Deuce saves the day with a lunker male Brookie on a little stonefly nymph, and i catch a tiny, but plump, eggbound female on a dry.


    super fun day, but a really really long walk.


    Hope you enjoy,


    Blisters for Brookies



    Thanks for watchin!

  2. For some strange reason, I kept expecting a couple more bull trout to show up & kick the crap outta Jay & try to take his camera...











    ...just sayin'...








    Too soon???


    (Sorry, Jay... ;) )


    Beauty bull; it looks bigger in the pics than it does in the vid.

    Looking forward to your next vid!

    hahaha, not too soon. feelin good these day's and ready to hit the water for another year of filming. Thanks for all the great comments everyone, we were fishin the river as the Bulls were movin through heading upstream to bone. Didn't see any of the big dogs, but Trouttrek has a way of holding them to make them look massive. They say the camera alway's adds 5 pounds, i wish it was the case in this vid :) I'm yet to edit the video of my big Bull this year, but it's coming.


    Lots more on the way, thanks for watchin!

  3. Hello friends,


    The day of the Bull Fighter was a tough day on the water, we walked, and walked, and walked. Very few fish, but just enough to make this little movie. The Bulls seem to disappear at times but i had made Trouttrek a promise to put him into a Bull and we weren't leaving till it happened. Big Streamers were the ticket!


    hope you all enjoy the latest edition to the Humblefisherman series,





    Thanks for watchin,


    The Humblefisherman

  4. Thanks everyone,


    Been a pretty crazy few day's to say the least, i really appreciate everyone's support. I'll be out fishin in no time, my teeth have begun to tighten up bruises are fading and i get my stitches will be out tomorrow or the next day. They will get what they deserve, the picture is very clear, i've been getting lots of picture practice on fish over the years.


    The Pic, face on from three feet. Soon as i clicked it he wanted the camera like i had captured his soul or something.

    He came at me three seperate times trying to get the cam and i threw him to the ground hard each time and told him to go home. I had put the camera in my case around my neck and zipped up my jacket once *hit got serious. When his friends came running from a block or two away, i took off and didn't think they had a hope in hell of catching me. I'm rounding the corner and i look beside me and there this tall skinny guy looks like he's straight out of Avatar grabbing for the hood on my jacket. He takes me down, we tangle a bit and i get on top of him and WHAM someone kicks me in the side of the head.

    I go down on my side and then the beating starts, and they just hammered the side of my head and ear who knows how many times. Then i passed out, i think, cause i have this weird out of body thing that happened, anyway i hear buddy say something bout "get the camera" he got my picture. I roll over and turtle as i have the cam in the case on my chest under my jacket. I take a few more kicks and shots to the face and head, then i think one of the dudes held them back, or a bystander came, not really sure as my eyes were working that great. I heard someone say "he's had enough", and the beating stops for just a second and i get up and take off. I slink around the corner and leaned up against a fence to get my bearings. I could hear the dudes yelling so i waited for the voices to get more distant then i staggered home and called the cops.


    Seems like everyone on my street has been feeling the pressure from guy's like this, these random thefts and damage have cost me myself over $2000.00 in the last few months alone. My gas tank was drained last week and the guy even left a taunting thank-you note under my gas cap. My truck was also stolen a month or two ago, in which my daily fishing bag rod reel flies was taken as was my gps. When I saw this guy alone and seperated from his friends, he didn't seem like much of a threat, I also knew if i got the pic of him it would lead to a repair of the damage they had caused. But if i knew his buds were that close i wouldn't have been so bold thats for sure.

    Live and learn, i was taught a major lesson, thats how it works.


    On the bright side tho, the one EMT girl was super hot and i told her she had a nice nose... so that was good. And when the Ctv crew came over, they stayed and watched a full Humblefisherman vid (even though i think they were in a hurry) and expressed a good deal of interest. Sounds like we might be a part of some sideline show in the spring (details pending). And When the Sun photographer came over he also took a bunch of pictures of my (world largest dinosaur egg) not sure how many of you know about that, but something might happen with that as well. I'll keep everyone informed if the cops give me any news.


    Thanks again for all your support everyone,



  5. :eek: Sketchy man. I would tweak out if some dirtbag got hold of my gps :boomboom: Good vid, starting to think you need some diversity though. Save pennies for fuel and come fish grayling in N BC next summer.


    I agree on the diversity, I'd give my left nut to get to fish the upper reaches of the Amazon basin.


    The stuff close to home is what i had to/wanted to focus on first. Lets face it, it's way easier and cheaper, which is good for a troutbums wallet. It's also the water i've been fishing my whole life, so i have a better idea of where the fish are. We have done a pile of day trips and have now covered lots of the good water within 3 hours of Calgary, but not even close to all.

    I've been trying to do a film per river, with multiple films for sections on some of bigger rivers like the Bow. Cory has commited to do 100 film with the series, which should take us a few more seasons.

    We have some big trips planned for next year, but will continue to focus our attention on the rivers and mountain lakes of the eastern slopes of the rockies, extending down into the US. I think we'll be going down to fish with Trouttrek for reported 8 pound goldens, as well as big greenback cutts next year. Steel on the coast in the sping, and Tiger trout are also on the menu.

    I have dream trips like everyone else, but many, if not all of those destinations are finacially out of reach for now.


    I love northern B.C., I spent some time up there as a young man, and the beautiful grayling would make a steller film. I'll bring the pennies. Shoot me a PM on a few details and maybe we can put something together.

  6. Theres no way we move that fast, haha i'd die... but cory would die first.


    A solid pace with 3 hours of fishing and 25km round trip in a 12 full day is about the top end of what we do. This one was about 18km or so round trip, but we also explored a nice trib for a few km's. What i have been doing over the past 10 or so years is walking all our southern rivers and creeks in disected sections start to finish. If i find some nice water Cory comes in to film it at a later date. In a single month through the summer i can average about 200 km of river bottom or 350km of trail. It was fun keeping track of it on my gps until some punks stole my rig along with my fishing back pack that had my GPS in it. Got the truck back a few day's later, but they got my gear... and all my waypoints :eek:

    So just to clear things up it was round trip i was refering to in the vid, and the numbers are straight up.

  7. Every once and awhile we get lucky and the conditions are in favor of underwater footage. When the water is so clear like that, the fish can get spooky and almost impossible to catch. These fish didn't seem to care AT ALL on this particular day for some strange reason, maybe lack of pressure.


    Thanks for the support everyone!


    PS. been getting a few stealth PM's about this location and some others, I love how everyone on this board really do "get it" when it comes to the "location sensitivity" of these area's. You guy's rock!!! If you study some maps, and walk some rivers and creeks, places like this are actually quite common in Alberta. We are so very fortunate to have such an abundance of prime trout habitat so close.





  8. Brrr.


    As winter once again holds us in her frozen grip, it allows me the time to put out another movie.


    Forgotten Water is a section of water that i explored for the first time this summer. I went off some old notes and stories from yester year and a found a virtual trout heaven. Anyone with a map and a good set of boots can get in on this one. This movie was a fun one to do cause the water that day was gin clear and the fish were taking easily to the fly. Maple kept the free range herd at bay for us as the cattle in that area can be a little dangerous at times (not joking).... I have stories. Anyway, this spot will bring back some memories for a few of you and for the rest i hoping it may just inspire a new adventure.


    Hope you all enjoy,


    Finding Forgotten Water




    The Humblefisherman


    Thanks again guy's for you positive words,



    the boats are called WaterMasters and they sell out of Big Sky Inflatables in Montana.




    I think you can even buy them at Bass pro shops now. The two models i have are the Grizzly and the Kodiak. The griz weighs about 50 pounds, the kodiak is about 60 (we make camera man Cory haul that one! haha). Great boats, i've had mine for close to a decade and they have never leaked or broken. Best Kickboat on the Market, the only drawback is price. I bought mine from the factory and got a bit of a discount for buying 3 at a time.


    they are worth the price.



  10. thanks dudes,

    no bows that day, although i did get a few this year on different days outta there. I find the big Rainbows sit in the deepest portion of that lake, while the cutts cruise the shore. I spent the morning dredging for rainbows but switched to dries after Trouttrek began to show off.

  11. Personally, i think it can have a fairly major impact on your fishing success. The trick to neutralize the fly is to rub it in the lake mud or river bottom. Cleans it right up. I was a smoker for years and at one point read a section in a Bernie Taylor book with some statistical info on tobacco smoke as well as suntan lotion getting on your flies. Very interesting stuff. Big Streamers, like bunny hair leech patterns, are the worst for retaining and absorbing odour.

  12. Happy New Year everyone!


    Instead of getting blasted last night, i decided to stay home and finish off a movie i've been working on for awhile. Mountain Jewels was filmed in mid August when the lakes are buzzing with activity. Not only flies but people too. We were lucky and had the lake to our selves for most of the day. We experienced some of the best still water dry fly action of our lives. What a Day!!!


    I hope you all enjoy this latest addition to the Humblefisherman series,


    Fly Fishing for Mountain Jewels




    Be well friends,


    The Humblefisherman

  13. Thanks for your great comments, it was a fun day. You never really know what your going to get on that river. One of my favorites for that reason. I actually thought that rainbow was about 10 inches long when i hooked it, I didn't know it was that size till it jumped. I think it stayed calm because i was out of sight and light on the pressure.


  14. Hello peeps,


    Just finished putting the finishing touches on our latest movie. The cold snap allowed me time to do some much needed editing. Beauty and the Bulls was filmed on the river of painted stones in southern Alberta. The Bull Trout were out in full force and Strando hit em up with a big bunny streamer. I on the other hand went looking for fish up top. Many rewards were had on this beautiful fall day.


    Hope you all enjoy,



    thanks for watching,


    The Humblefisherman


  15. ya my net work sucked .... thanks for the great day Jay had a blast

    I doubt I would of landed that beauty brown without your help Jay, it was a great day. Your positive attitude and insight is a great addition to the team. Looking forward to many more days on the water with you. Thanks for all the comments everyone! I fried my computer last week so it might be awhile before I post another vid. It's been a tough few weeks. Truck was stolen as was a bunch of gear. Got the truck back then I got in an accident. Looking forward to things getting better.

  16. Hello fellow fly fishing friends,


    I love the Bow, for the most part it is my favorite river. To have such a perfect section of river running right through the city center is a blessing and a curse.


    Bow River Gold was filmed in late summer as the first of the browns move into the city section to feed up for the spawn, this is my favorite time to catch those big transitional browns. They are colorful and heavy, and they usually have the feedbag on for the better part of the day. There is such a small window to target these fish and they sit in these area's for only a short time before continuing on up.


    On this day, the only way to get them was to get a nymph down near the bottom fast using lots of weight. I've heard it refered to as "Bunker bombing". I call this particular hole the coffin slot, but some may also know it as the hog trough. A 3ft by 6ft section of water that has the tendency to hold very large fish all year round. Jayhad (from the board), joined me as we enjoyed a perfect bow river float. A little of everything, finished off with a monster Brown. Hope you enjoy the latest addition to the humblefisherman series.


    Remeber to click the HD button to have the best viewing experience.


    Bow River Gold



    the rest of the series can be found at



    Thanks for watching everyone! more to come!


    The Humblefisherman

  17. Hello fellow Fly Fishers,


    I have just added a new vid to the list. This is a follow up to "the Boulder Gardens".


    Return to the Boulder Gardens was filmed in late summer during a heavy green drake hatch. I almost snap myself in half while fighting a cutt, and Cory gets some amazing surface eats. I thought the first fish i caught in Boulder 2 was the same fish as in the first movie, but after doing a spot check it would seem they are different. Probably cousins :)



    Hope you all enjoy this small taste of summer,


    The Humblefisherman

  18. Great videos, Jay. I loved the view from the chopper, though I think the quality was much better with the door open (thank you guys taking the risk).

    It seems you fished some lighter tackle. What class rods did you use?

    Thanks Bandee,


    I was using my little 4pc 4wt. Just big enough to handle the hogs but light enough apprciate the fight of a smaller fish. Anything three thru six would do just fine in there.

  19. Just thought of this today, I meant my comments in a fun way, not any negative manner at all. I hope the tongue & cheek was taken lightly. :)

    Good job.


    I didn't take as being even slightly negative, i really appreciate your feedback and input. You have been a great help through the whole process. I just glad nobody told me my net was too small! haha

  20. Thanks Dave,


    I only bet when i know i'll win, and thats a bet i can't take, so your ten bucks is safe for now.


    We did notice that with many of the fish the they were an obvious cross. The larger than average fish seemed to have more of the pure Yellowstone genetics, although i did catch a big beautiful hen that looked pure westslope to me. Needless to say the fish are beautiful and big. They eat just like cutts should, when they should, and seem to know how to use that heavy current to their advantage. That place is true magic.


    Your right, that big black beach we stayed on was choice #2. The lower river was muddy on the flight in. We looked at spot 1 and it was Nestle Quick. As we flew over the upper section, it stood out to me as a good walking section of classic cutthroat water. Plus it was clear, and thats good for camera.


    We did see people that came in on quads, but they were just hangin at the falls so it was all good. I want to float it next year so I marked the tricky spots on my gps on the way in.


    It's a fantastic fishery, and as i understand it, you deserve some thanks for that as well.



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