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Everything posted by bullbuddy

  1. good looking video!
  2. what school do you teach fly fishing at?
  3. I shot this with the go pro. its a pretty sick camera for shooting video just got to know where the camera is pionted and your fine.
  4. Heres my community lake edit what do u guys think?
  5. I run windows live movie player. Its not the greatest but it gets the job done!
  6. Thanks everyone for the positive comments!
  7. I use a go pro 960 on my head and i also use it for the underwater footage. I shot it in 720 aswell.
  8. heres my first fly fishing video. what do you guys think?
  9. there is barely any ice along the banks and easily wadeble around the cranston area. The water was pretty clear, only a little murky. Good luck!
  10. Hi, has anyone seen any bears while fishing or camping in this area? Im thinking of doing a camping/fishing trip down there in the summer. Ive encountered black bears before but never a grizzley, any tips on what I can do if I encounter one and what can I do to Preventing me from encountering a bear?
  11. man! those fish are looking good! Great looking Brown there!
  12. Hi I am looking at getting a go pro for filming my fishing. I will probably use it just for fishing maybe some other things. The two that I have narrowed it down to is the Gopro Hero HD and the Hero 960. Which of these two cameras would you guys think would work better for me. Thanks and tight lines!
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