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mattpreat last won the day on April 15 2020

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About mattpreat

  • Birthday 02/08/1998

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    Rocky Mountain House

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  1. I've been tying some spinners too lately, I don't know why I haven't tried them earlier. Next I'll try a few with that foam back, looks good
  2. $75 on 4
  3. Yep, just this season one of my boots started coming apart just like that, same situation with not much glue on them. I used some jb weld to patch it back together and its been alright for the past few trips but we will see if it continues to hold up
  4. Nothing wrong with the fish skulls whatsoever, I love them for more basic streamer patterns. Both have their use for sure!
  5. I've found I really like to use the fish skull sculpin helmets instead for patterns where you want the hook pointing up. The common reason I have seen for wanting the hook this way is to imitate sculpins that reside near the bottom of the stream, which require the hook up to avoid snags rather than being just for looks. Instead of the normal fish skulls your using, the fish skull sculpin helmets seem to be better at imitating this and have a lot more weight on them to force the hook point up, along with getting the fly down where you want it. If you give these a try I'm sure you'll be impressed with the results over the regular fish skulls
  6. I've seen a few salmonflys on Prairie and some huge nymph casings that must've been salmonflys on the Cearwater as well. If you don't mind sharing, what patterns do you like to use to imitate these Lornce? I've been searching for a pattern that's a little more specific than just a big stimulator but haven't really found anything I like a whole lot
  7. More: Soon after this great solo trip close to home, came a trip to the Livingstone area with my Dad, guided by Maxwell Robinson. Awesome trip! Back to around home again, Another good trip with my dad and Max, except on the bow this time. Not as many fish caught this trip, but I still got this nice bow Since the Bow didn’t produce any browns for us, I went and caught some of my own! Overall the best day of the year in terms of fish, I couldn’t quite keep track of how many I caught and the average size was fantastic. After that, I decided to spend a day hanging out with the old guys at Beaver Lake. Awesome company and learned lots this day! The fishing was good as well And that day led me to think it was a good idea to buy a bamboo rod from Don, and I’m glad I did! Best rod I could ask for, and it proved itself through the last few weeks of fishing for the year And for one of the last fishing trips I ended up taking a few pictures of, this was a slow day but amazing none the less And shortly after I was fishing again, except this time I had to deal with the ice
  8. Hey guys, I thought now would be a good time to post up all my pictures I took last summer. I ended up having plenty of time throughout the summer and got out fishing every chance I got. Tons of great fish were caught and I saw some amazing area over the year, and now I feel this coming summer will be even better now that I know a lot more. Anyways here’s the pictures! One of the many way too early mornings out fishing for cutties Worth it! Stoneflies were out, but the fish just didn’t seem interested in anything after the early morning rush
  9. Great ties ggp! Always love seeing your posts on here. As for me, I've just been finishing up on streamers lately
  10. Articulated Barely Legal. Not sure what I plan on catching with it yet, but I just love the way this pattern looks.
  11. I've yet to experience this, but I was just reading an article on salmonfly hatches that described that sometimes the actual hatch wont be the greatest fishing since the fish have filled up on the big nymphs before. It said in this case the best course of action was to fish the same flys you would during the hatch, except a few days after since the fish will still have the bugs in their memory. Could this possibly be what was happening here?
  12. I started using 40lb flouro leader material last year tied to a heavy leader with a uni to uni knot and its held up to countless pike so far, no need to switch the fluoro out yet. I haven't landed any monsters with it though, max size was maybe 15lbs. Just make absolute sure you get fluorocarbon leader material, just regular line wont work near the same. The leader material is tough stuff. I also noticed quite a pretty decent difference in strikes when I switched to fluoro, the pike did seem to care a bit about it when I got out last year
  13. Thanks for the info Terry, I never could quite get the hang of extended bodies but that explained it perfectly! Looks like I'll be tying a few of those green drakes up also
  14. A few Woolly Buggers for the early season browns, a little messy but I'm sure the fish wont mind
  15. Starting the day off with an awesome summer pattern I discovered last year, the Stoneflopper. Just curious, what is everyone's favorite colors for hoppers? My fly box now consists of a lot of tans and brown as they worked well last year, but I think I need to expand a bit. The whole batch so far:
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