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About flyisdown

  • Birthday 02/17/1977

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Chironomid (2/10)



  1. Thanks guys. Very appreciated.
  2. Does anyone have a link to a decent Alberta based hatch Chart? I'm sure there's probably one on here somewhere, but I cannot locate it. My plan is to start keying in on the expected hatches, and tie flies for these hatches. Cheers, M
  3. Scrap the registry, completely. Use the funds elsewhere. I can't recall actual numbers, however I read a report in which the stats indicated that crime committed with legal arms, by FAC carrying individuals were of such low rates, that they could barely be compared with the numbers of crimes committed by "gun owners" with illegal arms. The cash to drive the program would better serve giving LE officers and programs more teeth; in my opinion. Illegal arms are never going to disappear, and I understand that the rate of illegal arms may actually rise if the registry is abolished, however the sportsman, farmer.... (demographic) that typically have registered arms now will still operate in accordance with regulations. Besides, when is the last time you've heard about a 7-11 store getting knocked over by a long gun carrying thief? My two bits.
  4. Thanks for all of your comments and direction. I am really looking forward to the end result. I will try to upload the PDF blueprints. They are on my Mac, which I dont have with me until this weekend.
  5. I did see the free standing chest and base ( think it was 2 peice) at te show. That was also very nice. I am looking to something along those lines, something that could be in the livingroom of our place as opposed to in the basement. Definitely more of a furniture description, than a bench. I have an Oasis lap bench which is nice to work with in the interim.
  6. Speaking for myself, and only myself: I consider every dime I spend in fishing as the cost of entertainment. I enjoy shopping for materials and trying new techniques. I will admit that I have spent more money on materials which I would consider a waste, if producing fishable flies at costs lower than retail is the end goal, or point of judgement. My tying is not for cost savings, or to develop the next big thing. I spend more time fiddling with oddball materials, and producing some horrible stuff, than I do producing fishable flies. I enjoy sitting down, playing with the tools and materials to see what they are capable of doing, rather than pounding out flies to fill my box. I cant say that cost is not a consideration, as I'm not exactly rolling in stacks of cash. Instead of looking for alternate materials at a cheaper rate in bulk, i will pay for tha packaging the first time, buy the small quantity. If I find success with the material, i would consider buying it bulk, or from a different LOB for cost savings. My 2 bits.. Cheers.
  7. I'm not familiar in this area, but are there still such things as Small Claims Courts? if so, this sounds to me like the avenue to travel. At this point, Doc; it is no longer about the cash damages. It is all about principal. Spin this the other way. Had that dog have decided to snack on your Mustad collection, I can assume that your neighbor would be looking to you to clear up the Vet's bill. And here to hoping that there is something to Karma. My sympathies, Amigo.
  8. I am just wondering if anyone out there builds custom fly tying furniture, and could offer any guidance. My girlfriend and I have been designing a fly tying workstation, and mapping out blueprints. My lady works in Architecture. She is putting the diagram, dimensions, all info together for me, and laying it out in an Autocad program which gives all of the different views and angles. We are just about ready to turn this thing over to builders for quotation, and we were initially leaning towards utilizing cabinet makers which her firm has established relationships with. Types of wood for construction, finishes, hardware, custom pulls, any information to add value would be appreciated. I am curious as to what is out there to be bought as well, for price comparison. At the end of the day, cost vs benefit of my own design will be evaluated. If having something custom built as a one off peice is too pricey, plan "b" may be to acquire something from a builder who is in the business. I can find all sorts of links for this topic in the US, but there seems to be a lack of local web content to look at. Any pointers would be appreciated. Cheers, M
  9. Fantastic! thanks for all of the tips! I will check out the special as advertised. Thanks again for the lead!
  10. I am planning to visit Calgary to check out the Expo this month. Can anyone recommend a hotel in the area of the venue, which is a decent place to stay? Thanks, Mike
  11. Another shot.
  12. See if this works. Cannot vouch for authenticity, but fun to look at.
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