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    Sylvan lake

EliteFisherman's Achievements

Baetis Nymph

Baetis Nymph (3/10)



  1. For indicator fishing I just like to raise the rod at a steady pace without any sharp snaps and your good to go!
  2. PS: The GoldenStone and the Alpine lake are not from 2012
  3. Ill have some more pics when I get back from steelheading
  4. No we are not going to start guiding (we don't have the licenses/nor the spots we are willing to give away ) or pushing anything...We are just making videos for fun starting in a week or two on bulls and browns and photography. Its a fun summer activity to keep up occupied till school starts up again! Thanks
  5. 4wt 8.6ft and 8 9ft but recently got the 6wt 9ft
  6. Alright so i guess most photos from google images with someones name somewhere in the corner bad and should have to pay google so others cannot forge your photograph? Farther more companys sell stuff and we have nothing to offer nor a website as stateted earlier. If we had those mabey it would be a bit differnt but lots of people have photos on here promoting other omcpanys with there rods and shirts mabey we should email them to pay this forum some money for that?
  7. Putting my rod in the center attention for the picture as far as im concerd nothing is wrong with it. Check back from previous posts where people are wearing hats or waders with a companys name on it holding the fish... We are NOT selling anything and if you googled us nothing would come up as we do not have a website or anything forsale for that matter. I have no problem supporting the sponcers on this site but if im getting flamed for a photo im sure there is something wrong when we are not a company...
  8. The mods never took it down. I did...I posted our names on the pictures so others couldnt use them nor do we have a website or trying to "sell" something if you tried to google us. Thanks
  9. The pike are not there to eat, the pike is there to spawn so id suggest using a slow moving streamer being there metabolism is slower in spring when the water temperatures are lower. -Bunny leech
  10. deleted because we have our name on the pictures
  11. Alot of them cops are just looking for something to bug people about when theyre day is boring. but at least they care about the fishery even though they dont even know theyre own regs. HWFF
  12. Go to Walmart!
  13. What if you run 5wt line on your 6wt rod? Can you still cast with it or does it matter that much? I know you should be using the approriate line designed for your rod but im just wondering if anyone has done this before. Thanks
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