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Garhan last won the day on February 7 2015

Garhan had the most liked content!

Garhan's Achievements

Baetis Nymph

Baetis Nymph (3/10)



  1. Pretty darn good thread I would say. I have been tying with this for 2 years now. It certainly has improved my tying in many ways and there are many little tricks that have been developed because of the threads strength and ability to cut material where needed.
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  2. This is also the thread I use on just about all the flies I tie including Salmon, Steelhead and Predator flies for Pike, Tarpon, etc...That is why you never see thread behind any of the bead patterns I tie. Nano Silk 12/0 and 18/0 for nymphs wets and dries and 6/0 for the larger stuff, but I do tie Intruders with the 12/0. Fish Tales carries the thread in Calgary and Nile Creek in Comox.
  3. The Buzzers are coated with Bug Bond. Sorry for the late reply. It has been a busy summer and fall.
  4. Thank you all for the comments.
  5. UTC Wire for added weight.
  6. Ask Geoff Peiroway.
  7. This Straggle stuff seems to give me the giddies. Man does it make a nice Caddis Pupae pattern Hook: Czech style your choice Gold Bead 3.2 or 4mm 15 wraps .015 mm lead wire Body: Semper Fi UV Straggle 3300 Legs: Back Hen Head: Black Hares Mask
  8. Some size 12 Green Caddis Emergers to replace those lost last year.
  9. I know that I wouldn't put as much stock into computer modelling. Maybe in a best case scenerio some thing like this ***might** happen. There are to many unaccountable variables in this situation to find very much truth to this type of conclusion. Remember this is only a computer model.
  10. Those should work very well. Walleye and Sauger in the rivers will gobble those up. Consider tying a few in orange as well.
  11. I suffer the same thing got speared in the back while playing football in college. I go monthly to a chiropractor and use an inversion table(Costco sells them) a couple of times a month. I will not take any medication for the pain. It is constant, but at times the sciatica nerve just get so bad it puts me to my knees. There is a new back pain clinic out in Edmonton there maybe one in your city as well. Supposedly they do miracles with no surgery. The wife is always after me to go there, and one day I will.
  12. Over the last couple of decades we have been running 2-downriggers and a topwater line in June on Cold Lake with 3 of use in the boat. The top water line is a dry line or a slow sink. June on Cold Lake has the lakers feeding in the top 30 feet or less on many occasions. The lakers are loaded with Cisco or Tulibee. It works well. The leader on the dry line is usually a 0X with about 5 feet of 0X or 1X tippet attached. Flies are tied to resemble Cisco, so lots of white, blue, small amount of pink and silver flashabou.
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