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Posts posted by porto

  1. Silver: wasn't that a Glenn Campbell song?


    Other gents: if you're nymphing the Bow:

    --get down deep -- split shot, split shot, split shot. You should be hooking the river bottom more than occasionally, and losing the occasional fly

    --use stones, worms, and little mayfly, caddis and midge stuff -- always have some little stuff on. Sometimes go "all small". Bright day, bland coloured worm; cloudy day or murky water, bright worm

    --fish deep water, shallow water, fast water, slow water. As summer comes and the water heats up, fish more and more fast water

    --set on ANY indicator movement -- every time, every time, every time

    --if you see the occasional fish rolling near the surface, or single rises but not really working fish, then shorten the rig and occasionally let it go tight at the end of the drift, simulating rising insects


    You shall be rewarded by the harsh mistress.

    Thanks.... Sounds like good advise


    I have caught a handful of nice size rainbows over the years on the bow. But have yet to catch one single brown trout on the bow! I don't get it...


    I have to agree with Flytyer . Since I have a 14 & 17 year old. They know that FF requires 2 hands and they may be require to put down there super computer at some point or they may be somewhere where there is no service . Sorry just venting lol

    Lol.... The 14 and 10 year old aren't so bad. As long as get to go on the iPad or iPod for some games at the end of night.

  3. Hello,


    After taking a break from fishing with the arrival of 3 boys. The boys are now at a age(15,14,10) which there showing interests in the fly fishing sport. So I will be responsible to buy there gear and flies over the next few years. Just wondering on some of the on-line fishing web sites who offer good deals were I could save a few dollars. I have supported local shops over the years for my self but now I got 3 little fly fisherman to look after...




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