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  1. Looking for some recommendations on breathable chest waders. The last ones I got were Simm's Tributary and they leaked from day one. Are $500 waders any better than $200 waders in terms of how long they will last before they leak? I have a gift card from Bass Pro, so would prefer to buy the waders there. Thanks for any information you can supply.
  2. Thanks for the information guys. I'll give it a shot and see how it works. I appreciate the help. Todd
  3. Does anyone have instructions for attaching a bicycle tire to a pontoon boat so I can roll it down to the lake instead of carrying it? Thanks, Todd
  4. There is a large dam downstream of HW 761. Follow the North Raven Road (top of the hill, North of the bridge) east until it turns south. From the spot where this road turns east again, the dam is found straight down the fenceline.
  5. Through a series of mishappenings, I got to the creek one day and had to use a 5weight line/reel on a 7 weight rod. It did not cast very well as I seemed to have to do a lot of false casting to get the line to go anywhere. I am thinking about getting a 4 weight rod and my question is can I use the 5 weight line on the 4 weight rod or will I have problems casting it also. Thanks for any information anyone can supply. Todd
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