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Everything posted by TwoByFour

  1. You gonna report me...Teacher, teacher...Im telling!! Perhaps the site should post some ettiquette rules for everyone to read. Rather than promote our water, promote ettiquette and respect. Why dont you report that too, guy!!
  2. 15-20 years ago, I could bike down to the bow and guaranteed I would get the same spot, all the time. Rare to see others, even in fish creek. Neoprenes where a luxury back then, but most wore hip waders. The explosion of fishers on all the waters directly coincides with the invention of FFC. Here, ginners can mooch info off of guys who cant wait to tell someone how much they know. Theres a freakin Bow River update thread, you kiddin me? Hey updater...lemme know whats hatching, where, and at what time so I can go fish the bow. Mod Edit
  3. I cant believe your story. It hurt my head just reading it. I too, have had my share of altercations on the blue ribbon waters of our Bow river. From both, guided or rookie floaters, as well as land lubbers. Used to be only the spin casters that youd expect the ignorance from. But more recently the nievity of flyfisherman has caused me to raise my voice. I stopped shrugging my shoulders and watching my back casts when other anglers are getting too close. Not sure what happened to the summer serenity of Bow river fishing, but the change happened fast and it seems like nobody wants to enforce the rules all anglers should abide by. In my mind, anyone who crosses these boundries, or unwritten rules only thinks of themselves and no one else, and should be reminded of that. Theres no course on river ettiquette, but its as obvious as run off what the rules are. These unfortunate occurances are spilling out into the mountain streams as well. I didnt drive 2 hrs to be leapfrogged by a couple of guys who couldnt get up before me. This has happened more than once, and they did hear about my disgust in their judgement. So far all have apologised, and turned around. Im sure one day ill have a chance encounter with a "Tap Out" guy whos twice my size, but if this attitude goes unchecked, all of our summer serenities will be lost. Always, always when I arrive too late or see another fisher ahead on a stretch, ill either retreat to other water or inquire about his/her intentions with the river. I remember a time when I enjoyed tossin flies in the foothills, but it seems an hour or more hike is needed to distance myself from others. Up there, should you see another fisher, its more than likely that they will share the same respect, and will honor the unwritten rules. Im reminded of the locals on secret surf beaches who will not hesitate to slash tires or snap boards if you move in on the wrong set. Luckily, flyfishers are made up of pot smoking, environment concious thrill seekers...hmmm, I guess we're not that much different than the surfers. Loooong story short, rise up fellow fishers...rise up against the tyranny of ignorant fishers. Raise your voice, because untill licensing requires a 90% pass mark on a fishing ettiquette test, it WILL keep getting worse.
  4. Bahahahahahahahahaha! this is rediculous.
  5. i thought experience was measured by how much you spend on your flyfishing costume. WHO CARES DUDE! this whole conversation is edit.
  6. sorry, im a edit. this does not belong here. im new!!
  7. hello all! new to the site, but not bull trout hunting. 10' of leader is allot for me...for any streamer rig. for bulls, i run a short, 3-5' piece of 10-15lb mono and a coupla large splits if needed but flies are tyed uber heavy. like mentioned b4, stack mending can definetly help, but beware of missed fish on its way down. i think the current is the best way to sink a fly, provided a short leader is used. bulls can hit n spit as fast as any trout, and maintaining a visual or feel is critical to a good bull hunt! but hey...theres allota techniques out there, finding the comfortable one takes a while.
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