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Posts posted by trailhead

  1. There is a large group of people that are purely catch and keep anglers who would rather have a bucket full of small perch than the pleasure of catching a trophy trout. I have run into them all over the province and most noticeably in Central Alberta, caught some very nice browns on Stauffer one day and when I ran into a group at the access point, they asked how I had done. When I replied about the fish I caught they asked where the fish were, I said I let them go. The response was "Yeah right, good one". Your not a successful angler unless you keep what you catch.

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  2. You can stay in Canada and have the same experience. Fished the fabled Nile Creek on Vancouver Island and the anglers were packed in the same way. I slipped into a spot and starting casting, very afraid of snagging someone on my back cast. Starting chatting with the fellow next to me and he asked where I was from, so I told him Calgary and he replied. The Bow! what the hell are you doing here. So it comes down to the grass is always greener. And in reality the grass is pretty green right here boys (and girls)

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  3. I concur with many of the observations purported. It is a good thing to examine the management of the Bow River trout fishery. That being said how does the angler pressure compare with some of the rivers in Montana? So is the trout population really in decline, from all I have read the statistical sampling is random at best. As for the creel surveys, I was at McKinnons a few years ago and TU was doing a survey and I just could not believe how many guides told them to F+@* off and leave their clients alone it was almost every boat. Too many variables to make a judgement in my opinion. Sure the fish numbers move up and down, so does the traffic on Deerfoot on a daily basis. Go figure!

  4. On ‎03‎/‎09‎/‎2018 at 4:50 PM, lakerman said:

    or do like I did for a few hours. Fishing away, fish slashing the fly, no hook ups only to realize later on the hook broke at some point and the fly still in tact., had to laugh at myself. Now that's catch and release.

    I have had that experience, kept hooking fish and losing them. But they were rising so aggressively I kept casting. Finally checked the hook after I lost a particularly nice fish and no hook, just the shank of the humpy.

  5. Yeah in a coin or automatic car wash the effluent goes into the sanitary sewer, then treated. My neighbor had the big bucket of soapy water and the sponge there was literally foam three inches deep on his shiny metal box. All running down the driveway then down to the corner storm sewer which is about 2m away from the Elbow.

  6. Probably some dickwad washing his luxury sports vehicle in his driveway. Or pressure washing his house. I saw a neighbor of mine doing that a month ago or so. He was washing his Mercedes with a bucket full of detergent and his hose. I mentioned to him that the effluent goes directly from his driveway into the storm sewer and then into the river. He just looked at me like I was from outer space. You know they educated the school children with the yellow fish program, maybe they should do that with the BIG kids.

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