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Posts posted by kal3

  1. On this week's show, Don and Grant fish a small lake just north of Kamloops, British Columbia, near Little Fort. They hook into some beautiful rainbow trout and talk about the often overlooked water boatman hatch. On The Bench, their guide for the day Steve Jennings, ties up his own pattern called "Jennings Ultimate Boatman".


    Click here to watch the full episode

    Click here to watch the Jennings Ultimate Boatman Fly




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  2. sfotf-online-quicktip-01-still.jpg?__SQUWe are pleased to announce a new segment to the website - Quick Tips. Short and sweet, they give pointers and information on just about everything fly-fishing, from products and equipment, to strategies and techniques, to help you be more productive on the water and catch bigger fish. Many of these are exclusive to the website, so check back often for new segments.

    The first tip is hosted by Don Freschi, and long-time guest Brian Chan. They discuss 3 main types of strike indicators and demonstrate how they work.

    Remember, if you have any questions or comments, just post them in the comments section of this, or any section of the site - we always appreciate the feedback and discussions.

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  3. This week, it's the Best Of Series 6. The show highlights some of the great fish Don and Grant caught that season, as well as the beautiful scenery and wildlife they witnessed along the way. It also features one of my personal favorite segments, the bloopers!

    Be sure to check back soon, and often,  as we will be uploading the next series of SFOTF (Series 7) shortly. That means more full episodes, and more detailed fly tying from Don Freschi's "On The Bench". 

     Click here to watch the full episode




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