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  1. I read the survey, and it does request input about applying the regs to all red deer tribs and is pretty easy to take out of context, thanks for clarifying. The crappiest thing about the survey is that there is no way I can make an informed decision from it, other than through my experience which tells me there's not a lot of whitefish, same amount of browns and a whole whack of walleye. Is there a backgrounder or something that describes any data that has been collected? Guess I'm going to have to dig a little. In the meantime I'll fill out the survey and let em' know what I think. Dean P.S. I think fall/winter (oct 15 - march) C&R is more appropriate and don't disagree with a reduced whitefish limit during the regular season. Egg trampling and C&R mort is not likely an issue, just not that much pressure on the red. I don't think there's a lot of bang for the buck in the extended closure and would like to keep an open water opportunity in the winter that's close to home.
  2. I fish the Red Deer for walleye, trout and pike a lot. There is definately no problem with the walleye population, in fact I'd say they could use a good thinning. The idea of closing tribs to protect trout and whitefish seems ultra-stupid to someone who is catching a hell of a lot of walleye. When I'm catch and release fishing pointlessly limiting my angling opportunities really pisses me off. Going to get a copy of the proposal from Andersen and see what the hell is going on. Dean
  3. Caught many lake whites in the red deer below the dam, up to about 6 lbs. They're present in most major river systems in Alberta, but I expect their numbers are usually pretty low, however, there are quite a few below dickson dam. They tend to hang out below the spillway.
  4. Jayhad, No offense, just thought it was a stupid comment... and you can't take it back with sarcasm about your undeniable awesomeness. You said what you said and it was pretty straight forward. I'll leave the rest up to you... catch ya. Pretty not bad Water
  5. Hey Jayhad, don’t know you, but I’d have to say your opinion is ridiculous (shameful, done for ego, ha). I expect you’ve never been in the position to make that call and I know the guy who caught it did think about letting it go. He made the best decision... it’s the Alberta record, not a tall tale. I’ve fished for a fish like that all my life and caught one that was real close to the record (not even close to the fish in question), and I’ll never know. He knew for sure and whacked it. I woulda too and so would the vast majority of anglers who have put in 20+ years of effort to have that kind of opportunity. Besides, a fish like that only has a few years left before it kicks the bucket and I’m glad that the guy who caught it is an exceptional angler, who earned it. The bear, choochie, myself and baggo marshmallows are not likely to here the end of it soon... which is good. I’m totally happy to see a guy who fishes like a madman, score huge. He deserves it completely. Well done Dr. P... I am envious. Dean BTW ain’t no Lott Creek fish. Wild fish from flowing water and about the last place you’d ever guess.
  6. Agreed, clearly bull trout don't count.
  7. Was Dean on bunny leach with Garlic marshmellow's rod (all 3 of my rods were broke and had to borrow Jid's rod). In stream above the beaver pond it was reported to be in, could have been a resident fish... may also have put on some beef in the Glenmore reservoir and moved upstream to spawn. Whatever its background, it was a veritable monster and I'd be very surprised if I land another brown of that calibre... I'd say there's more where it came from...
  8. Here's one to drool over... the fish that is. Yes, caught with garlic marshmellow's rod (had seen very fish before this one). Bow River tributary... 31.5" absolute pig, fattest fish I've ever seen. I couldn't resist, can't have anyone thinking the bow system doesn't grow some monsters. Dean
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