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Chironomid (2/10)



  1. Awesome, Thanks for all the info.
  2. What do you guys use for trailing hooks in flys? How do you attach them to the main hook. I want to add a hook to the tail of my buggers and zonkers. Any videos on the web? Thanks
  3. Holy smokes Some great flys...... I have so much to learn.
  4. Good thing i'm not drunk cuz i would have pissed myself laughing. LOL that is funny
  5. Let us know what you think. They look wicked.
  6. #333 Life is too short not to flyfish #334 Life is too short not to hunt
  7. I bought a midge and like it. Pieroway is now makeing the 3wts and they are sick. If i was buying i'd go Pieroway. They are awesome guys and the service is fantastic. Local too.
  8. The sonic pros look wicked. double layered legs and seat. look durable.
  9. Are high end waders (simms, redington sonic pro, ect?) worth the money? Are they more durable then the cheaper light weight breathables? i'm rocking a pair of Caddis's with duct tape. i ran into some hidden barbed wire crashing through the rocks and bush near frank Lake crow river.
  10. Hey guys. Wondering if you can offer any suggestions for float tubes. I have two boats and do a lot of walk and wade after june 15 so i wont be using it a lot. I want a quick easy one man rig that i can get use. What should i be looking for? Any do's or don'ts? I have been realling looking into a Caddis Pro 2000 that i see on Ebay for $110... thinking it can't hurt. http://images.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http...%26tbs%3Disch:1
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