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Baetis Nymph

Baetis Nymph (3/10)



  1. Nice lookin' fish!
  2. What kind of comments are they getting about it?
  3. Nice lookin' fish!
  4. We saw it on the finals night of the Banff Mountain Film fest and it totally made our night. Good fish, good laughs, a great flick!
  5. DANG IT! Good fight though.
  6. Sorry I must have been drinking on that last post...but I am looking for 2 more tix to the IF4 if anyone is selling!! Thanks!!
  7. Need 2 more tix if anyo ne has any to sell!!![/size]
  8. Nice work. I like the timing on Hurt in the first segment. Good to see you in action Tyler - instead of just helping me by flys
  9. We're soooo looking forward to this! p.s. if it's "by canadians for canadians"...what's the International for?
  10. This was my 3rd season and my biggest fish to date - 25" Bull on the Upper Bow. It was a tough season - not a lot on the dry but still lots of fun to be had.
  11. Nice pics! I like the close-up shots
  12. Nice pics! I like the close-up shots
  13. My friends and I camp and fish on the Livingstone/Old Man pretty often through the summer and we usually spend the first little while cleaning up the bottle caps, cans, garbage and at one spot plastic BBs from the campsites and down by the river. We now dub one of our previous favourite spots "Dirty South" because that's what some ignorant a-holes spray painted on a tree on on the rocks along the river. It's the catch-22 camping there is you have the freedom to camp where you please but you get people in there that think no rules and I can treat it like it doesn't matter. Guess what buddy - it does matter. Anything we can do to keep it open and free and safe for animals, fish and people should be done.
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