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Posts posted by Pipestoneflyguy

  1. We use trico's on our fleet vehicles - seem to hold up fine


    If your wipers are lifting avoid the "clip on fin" gadgets - if anything, the clip on springs that mount at the base will work but if you use them, you need a heavier duty wiper to go with them or else the spring will flatten the wiper out.


    It might not be too expensive to replace the wiper frame - that is the logical thing to do as it is likely fatigue of that spring within that is causing your problems - I'm not sure, but I wonder if some manufacturers have the spring available separately - never had the problem myself but I would start by making sure the OEM parts are working right first



  2. Geez - Given my years on the hwys up here I've seen quite a list of wierd things - everything from finding 2 bales of $50 and $100 bills in the trunk of an 1985 rusty celica at a fatal wreck, to watching a small plane land on the highway while on a morning patrol.


    Probably the wierdest thing I have seen was finding a tourist at a bear roadkill site taking a picture of another tourist lying on the road with his head inside the bears mouth. That was quite weird. either that, or this guy I found at a gravel pit doing something very unatural with a tree,...well,... google dendriphiliac and you'll see what I saw.



  3. I've been hauling a giant coconut all over the back country since this summer....


    It was a souvenier that belonged to my Grandma from a trip she took with her sister to Florida in 1960 - In honour of her travels and the spirit of adventure I take pictures of the coconut in unique and interesting (and generally very difficult to reach) places and send them around to the rest of the family. I started the whole thing to basically mock the rest of my family for fighting over heirlooms the way that families do - ironically I started getting emails wondering where it would show up next...hence the brith of the travelling coconut saga...


    So if you see some crazy guy casting to the last pool on the precip of Ram Falls with a coconut beside him - well now you know

  4. Found it in a shop beside Wapiti in Canmore (railway Ave plaza) - think its called beachcomer hot tubs


    They have coy plus a few other tropicals - no trout unforunately - it is pretty clever ....from above water you get the typical "jaws" fin with a bit of tail


    Could pick one up, and meet you at expo if your going - think it was around 30 bucks (its canmore....)

  5. Hi Jay - Didn't go very far, just the one call - I don't really have any reason to suspect the kid who sold the sticks to us had anything but good intentions. - If nothing comes out of talking to Telus I'll try contacting them and see how that goes.


    This weekend we downloaded our telus bills - part of the bill was air time but its hard to figure out because the three places that have signifigant charges seem to vary of the between two months of billing


    What is perfectly clear is that about of $18000.00, about $14730.00 is overage charges on one stick - it is not in Gigs, it is measured in Kilobytes at a rate of $10 per Kilobyte


    So 2 gigs was wrong, we actually only used 0.00141 Gigs (I knew looking into this would just upset me) which generated $ 14730.00 of the charges


    Thanks - Brewing up - I'll send you aPM - I have the first 3 months bills on PDF with me today.

  6. I fish a small lake that has both Brookie and Cuttie populations - what is interesting, is that despite the strength of both populations I have watched the average size of cutties continue to grow consistantly over the last fifteen year period. They seem to be maxed out at 12-14" at this point. It is apparent that the cutties occupy the shallows and brookies take the deeps. - why in this particular lake do the two species not only co-exist but seemingly thrive.


  7. Seeing the discussion on Telus TV has got me wondering if anyone else has had tropuble with Telus regarding internet sticks.


    This is what happened to us


    Given that we don't have any choice but dial-up or an undependable satelite service for internet we decided to investigate getting an internet stick which uses a cell signal


    We went to a telus store in Market Mall, the clerk sold us two internet sticks. He advised of a particular plan he said would be perfect for us based on how we answered his questions (Neither of us are very savy with such things, so we trusted the kid was doing right by us). The plan was going to be $40 per month per stick and he assured us this was the best plan for our needs.


    Sticks worked fine, no complaints in that regard - the software included a little program that tracks your usage, the clerk at the store told us it is not exact but close enough to use as a guide so we don't end up generating extra charges.


    Jump ahead six weeks - According to our software we stayed well under the limit of 2 gigs on each stick in that first month - our first bill arrives from telus - lo and behold, we get a $18000.00 bill for the first month.


    I was working on the road most of the summer so the wife calls and tells me about the 18k bill - I laugh it off as an obvious error and ask her to call telus and sort it out, assuming it is a typo of some kind.


    So Sandy calls Telus and they tell her the bill is correct, and we had gone over on one of the sticks by almost 2 gig - she says that can't be possible because the program says we were fine, they tell her that the program they gave us is useless and shouldn't be used for the purpose of tracking usage. Sandy tells them there is no way in hell we are paying them 18k. They proceed to tell her that she will have to take it up with the telus store, as they are a separate business and only a contractor and telus won't be held responsible for what they did, and as far as telus is concerned we owe them 18k.(despite the giant "Telus" sign on the front of the store)


    So Sandy calls the Telus store and the kid on the phone literally laughed at her when she explained the situation, commented that she should have read the fine print warning against using the provided "usage meter" for metering usage and that the bill was between her and Telus and that they were going to do nothing further than refer us back to Telus


    So...Sandy calls telus back, and reviews what the telus store said - the Telus rep tells her OK, we'll lower the rate this one time only and that's it. He says he will lower the bill to $800 just this one time. Sandy tells him that's a big difference from the $80 we expected and that she would like to call me to discuss it further. The Telus rep tells her that's fine but as far as he is concerned this is a one time offer and if she doesn's agree to it, the offer is cancelled and Telus will begin legal action against myself to secure the 18k. Of course at this point Sandy is freaking, not knowing what to do she agrees to the $800 and proceeds to make the payment. It wasn't till this point that they told us how to properly monitor the usage fom a web site thay have.


    Jump ahead 3 days, I get home and Sandy explains what happened and I am furious, not at Sandy, but at Telus for basically blackmailing her into an $800 payment. but I chose to stand by my wife and the decision she made. Clearly we have a level of intrety that Telus lacks. We got onto a different plan and well, I guess that's that,... we are now paying about $100 a month.


    I would caution against doing business with Telus in way what so ever - they are corporate scam artists, once our contracts with them run out we will never do business with them again.


    Has anyone one else been burned in this way ? - I have run into a few folks that got bills as high as 5k in the fist month but none as large as ours was yet. The future is friendly my ass.

  8. I'm glad you got all that off your chest. And I'm glad you think I'm on one side of a proverbial fence. But I'm not. You just jumped to the same conclusion everyone else did, but you just took eight or so paragraphs to do it.


    At the end of the day, what I hate most is being misunderstood. I guess I need a big sign that states where my allegiances lie, as it's very apparent none of you can read between the lines.




    Sacasam - sarcasam - "But I'm not" - sarcasm - more sarcasm


    At the end of the day, what I hate most is being misunderstood - sarcasm - more sarcasm


    Ahhhh yeah - real big mystery why people have trouble understanding your point of view, not to get all Northrop Frye on your ass, but how about putting your intended message into the actual text - who do you think you are ? Yoda of the ecological integretity movement !


    Your passion has evolved from admirable to annoying


  9. I noticed that some other workshops require you to bring a whack of tools and materials - other than going to the instructors web site who should I contact to find out what I need as nothing is mentioned one way or another in the course description (worried if I need a specific dubbing tool or not and likewise wondering if I should bring my vise, dubbing and other materials etc etc)

  10. Sounds fun Rick


    I am only coming for Saturday though. What day is this normally on ?


    More than happy to support - what do you need ? - prolly wouldn't be there early enough to set up or cook but more than happy to help out doing a clean up afterwards - can also pitch in a few $ or supplies, let me know whats needed.


    PS won't back out as already paid for a Saturday workshop

  11. Ended up siging up for Michael T Williams "Dubbing Demystified" as my workshop - has a little more practical application for myself (and I won't have to stay overnight to get there in time). Will have to catch Jim's workshop another time.


    Hope to see some others from FFC there....

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