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Posts posted by Pipestoneflyguy

  1. Cool Idea - gonna pick some up and try splitting instead - equally frustrated with 8 uni as well, took me forever to figure out that I had a micro-scratch on one of my ceramic bobbins that seemed to contribute to alot of breaking this weekend - problem dissapeared once I switched to a stainless tip again - had to re-tie about 20 small dries, grrrrrrr - I'll give the Benecchi a try instead if its a little stronger

  2. I am an adamndt believer in owner responsibility when it comes to training out aggressive behaviour such as possesiveness - if this is what happens the owner of the other dog is responsible in my book - if a dog can't be verbally commanded to release anything from a toy to a bowl of food to strange dog than that dog has not been trained to a level that is acceptable for open area interaction - if a dog demonstrates that behaviour towards other dogs there is a potential the dog could react the same way to a child, nuff said.


    They should pay your bill.

  3. I stayed at St Andrews Univeristy for a while in the late 80's, seemed like every building in Scotland was stained dark from coal - it was incredible, in large urban centres like Edinburgh the effect was even worse. hard to imagine how coal can be called clean.


    BTW golfers, I did poach the old nine one night, just so I could say I've golfed it.

  4. I bought my spey rod off a new builder on ebay (Seattle area) 3 years ago - very happy with what I got as I paid about 25% what I would have paid in a store for similar rod with the same blanks etc etc - Rod has cool custom details such as a holographic steelie on the side, hand signed, the usual stuff you would expect - I was lucky to find a fella that was trying to make a name for himself so he was selling his first professional offerings with no reserve - his higher weights sold for more typical prices but the 5/6/7 wasn't getting attention so I won the auction with a very low bid.


    I have been using it for three years now without a problem so warrantee just isn't a concern considering what I saved on the price - the seller was also very helpful with tips on how to get the best performance such as ranking his reccomendations on which lines worked best with the rod.


    I think with anything on ebay, if your willing to be patient and wait for the right deal you can end up very happy.


    BTW - Don't think I don't support my local fishing shops - I do - at the time I bought it I needed it for a course and the locals just didn't have what I wanted in stock

  5. Wapiti in canmore has some similar hooks but they are singles not doubles with extended down eyes - the extension seems to vary between 4 and 8mm at a 45 degree angle down and the hook length is 2.5 to 3 inches or so - they are very light ( I believe the are barracuda dry fly hooks). A fella in Banff uses them for deep trolling in Minniwanka but I have samples to work up some bully and Brown streamers and clousers with. Talk to Nick if you want to pick up a few.


    If you wanna see a pic let me know and I'll post a couple beside a thread spool or something for reference - I don't see why you couldn't glue and tie 2 together given how light they are. to replicate your picture above and remove one eye - not sure how that would work out - maybe not

  6. I think I might be the one guy who likes it (shows my level of computer savy eh)


    Seems like a perfect compromise between tiny little hand held GPS screens and knocking the snot out of laptops in my jeep - I do alot of exploring in my jeep and laptops only fit in laps when there is no steering wheel present - This is all assuming it will support GPS and the that thing is being built reasonably durable.

  7. I guy is walking along the highway hitch-hiking. As he walks along he finds a ball cap with a "Masterblaster jet boats" logo on the front, he thinks "cool, free hat". He puts it on, and continues hitch-hiking.


    A few minutes later a car stops and a guy offers him a ride, which the hitch-hiker accepts.


    As they are travelling the driver says "hey I was gonna stop for lunch up here, do mind if we stop for a bit, I'll buy your lunch". The hitch-hiker says, "That's great, thank you very much".


    After another couple hours of driving, they pull into a rest stop, and again the generous driver buys the hitchhiker a coffee, some snacks, and a couple magazines for the next leg of the trip.


    About a hour later, nightfall has set in and the driver pulls over at a rest stop, he stops the car and looks over at the hitch-hiker and says " Listen, I have given you a long ride and not asked for gas money, I bought you lunch, magazines, snacks and coffee, what do you say you show your gratitude by sliding over here and giving me a BJ...............................................................



























    The hitch-hiker immediately pulls off the hat and says "Oh, I'm not really a jet-boater, I just found this hat" !!!!!

  8. I have an update for the site !!!!!


    Thanks very much to a member here with a connection within Telus who was kind enough to forward my post to the executive level of Telus, as a result the situation has been resolved much to my satisfaction !!!!!


    An $800 credit has been applied to our account and we have put our devices back to the $30/month as per our original contract, an obligation I am happy to continue as per our original contract (now that we know how to actually monitor our usage and keep it under limit)


    My confidence in Telus has been restored, The folks at Telus were very eager and put a large effort into getting a hold of me and correcting my situation.


    Once again membership on FFC has made my world a better place !!!


    If the member that helped me consents to the publicity, I will thank them publicly in addition to the box of my best flies they will be recieving, plus a day at one of my fav alpine lakes if the are willing....minimum

  9. I tie out of fear - fear that I won't have enough come spring - fear that the old lady will catch me buying flies after spending a billion $ on materials (her words LOL)


    I tend to production tie in winter - I find, especially with dries, my quality goes up big time once I've got the first 5 or 10 out of the way - Take Max's advice on working up to, or I guess down to, the smaller sizes - experimentals and new-to-me flies I save for fly-tie evenings when my a focus and level of sobriety are somewhat compromised.


    During the summer I restock the box as needed and tie the occaisonal batch to better match a size or colour I am seeing often enough to replicate - I started fishing the Nordegg area more towards last summer so that required me to really broaden my range of stimies, madam x's etc etc


    Carry a few traders with you - not everyone is willing to give away one of their hot flies but I have often scored a sample (to replicate) by offering to trade one of my personal favorite variations with someone riverside.


    The best advice is probably do what's easiest and fun until you have that one nailed - If you start getting frustrated take a break - if its not enjoyable you'll lose motivation


    That's hilarious Aquaholic - my friends all get the "not quite right" ones I tie first



  10. Had such a great time - Thanks for getting me there Headscan - and also for the tip on the way out - I ended up grabbing a bunch of the those nice ostrich feathers. Going to make some killer flies


    Thanks Lornce for the advice on a new vice - used it all day yesterday, what a difference it makes. - amongst a few new books, assorted materials I also picked up a Sage rod and reel package for 50% off. Wanted to try and likely buy the hydros but it was so popular didn't get a chance to try it out - will pick one up in spring hopefully


    Are the raffle results posted anywhere ?


    The Michael T Williams dubbing demystified workshop was awesome I think I finally have the trap loop mastered as a result, we also learned about mixing and blending, both wet and dry methods, plus a whole wack of other dubbing related tips and methods - It was real pleasure meeting a legend like Mr. Williams, he is as equally entertaining, as he is educational. Next year I will be doing two days so I can take more courses.


    Nice to finally put faces to names, and see the fellas I have met before again - There were little FFC gangs in every corner of the expo, Only regret was not getting a Fusion subscription because I left my coupon in the truck and it was too friggin windy and cold to go get it LOL - Rob

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