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Everything posted by flyfishing

  1. i never tried the video underwater, but i have tried it a few times out of water and it seems really clear. Hopefully i'll be able to try it underwater in a couple of days and see what it's like.
  2. I picked up the pentax optio w90 yesterday with some of my my summer earnings so i decided to take it out the the bow today for half an hour n the nw to test it out. i had a few hits on a backswimmer but never got to try out the camera on a fish. i tried out some underwater ones and they turned out pretty good. if you're looking for a new underwater/outdoor camera it's definitely the one i would recommend! here a a few pics: hopefully next time i'll be able to try it out on a fish!
  3. awesome pics and fish max!
  4. My best rainbow was 20" and best brown 23". Both caught last year 09'
  5. sweet pics, looks like fun!
  6. Cool video and nice ties, thanks for sharing!
  7. Thanks, no I've only fished once with them for a couple of hours on the bow back in November, but i'm going again this weekend so hopefully I'll be able to catch a few with my own!
  8. Hey guys, i started tying a couple months ago so i'll share a few of my flys. I've mostly been tying some clousers, midge larvae and caddis larvae/pupae:
  9. I got a rotary vise recently, it helps ALOT with thick wire. Just hold one end with a pair of pliers and rotate the vise so the wire spreads on evenly. its alot easier then doing it with your hands!
  10. nice pics!! thanks for sharing
  11. Has anyone ever used Flybox.ca to order flies? I clicked the link and it looks pretty good. Thanks
  12. Yeah I was pretty surprised when I set the hook! I'd done down there a few days before that because i live close to the river and all I caught were 7-12 inch rainbows until then!
  13. Caught my first ever brown on the bow in the northwest on the last day before it closed! Caught it on a backswimmer. bad pic from my cellphone but it was at least 22 inches.
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