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Posts posted by SupremeLeader

  1. water temps on the FTR up form cochrane have been no where near dangerous levels, I would be surprised if you find water over 16c this week. Even when we had that bit of heat week ago water temps weren't over 15c on my thermometer


    Do you want to put some money on that?

  2. The main hazard this weekend will be the one the fish will be feeling. Apparently the temperatures are going to hit the 30's, and there is already an advisory not to fish the streams on the Eastern slopes.


    It would be my advice not to fish the ES streams this weekend, but if you must, you should fish them very early.


    Myself, I will be fishing outside Alberta.


    Somebody do me a favor though, and get some pics of all of the 'stewards of the wilderness' fly fishers out there this weekend who choose to ignore the advisory.

  3. Hey guys Ive been on the Bow alot lately seen the temp up around 65 67 degrees. It is time to get those fish in quicker than we had to two weeks ago. Ive seen to many big rainbows floating / bloated up on the surface, sad but true, in the last few days. Be extra careful around the weeds, the trout get wrapped around the roots and then snap tippets and with the trout still wrapped and trapped and of course leads to a dead trout. When this happens I hope you spend some energy trying to find out where that trout busted you off, because guaranteed, that soon to be dead Trout wishes you did.


    IMO, if you're seeing floaters and those temps. it's best not to fish it except very early in the morning.




  4. The water temp has gotten quite high in many places this summer; hopefully, weather such as last nights rain in C-town is a frequent occurrence over the next month.


    A few years back the Bow got very warm; there were dead fish all over the place (mostly fish caught in the centre / down deep by boat fisherman, and then released near shore).


    I hope the Alberta Government / F & W has the foresight to put temporary closures on rivers should the temperature get dangerous for fish; this should have happened on the Bow a few years back (an FYI; Montana had special closures that season).


    I know there is a remark regarding this type of emergency action in the regulations.


  5. How is that comparing anything to the traffic in the wildress by ORV's and Foot Traffic, all it compares is that some damage is done, now if you countine to read my post and not to try and spin words around you would of read the following.


    Now you asked me the following:


    My boot tracks and piss do little damage compared to ORV's


    Now here was my replie:


    Still is doing damage regardless to how bad, is it okay to do a little bit of damage as long as it is not on a large scale?


    Now that is comparing the two togather, but note I do not say that they do the same amount of damage.


    You say stop digging yourself into a hole, how so I have numerous times agreed that their is a problem but have stated that an all outright ban is ridiculous.


    Also it shows your mutrity when all you can say back is that my arguements is Weak like my spelling, what does that have to do with anything other then tring to make yourself feel better. Most people that are in a debate such as this that has lost or has no replie often uses the all and mighty spelling to make it like they are more superiory then the other, when in fact it is just covering their inability to answer or replie back to what someone has stated.


    Its funny how alot of the questions I have asked you, there is no replie back but I have come up with intelligent arguements to your replies (okay my spelling is horrible but everyone knows what is beeing said) remeber it was you that started with saying my arguments were weak with nothing to back it up, at least I can back up everything I say with an intelligent argument.


    wtf? lol (at you)


  6. "First of all where did I say foot traffic is comparable to ORV traffic, what I said was it does cause some damage, not as much as misuse of ORV's, please in the future do not misquote me."


    You said it here;



    "I take peronal offence to this as lots of my family mebers own ORV's and respect the wildress, your generalization about this is totally rediculious and unfair to the people that respect the laws, and what about you walking into the backcountry destroying untouched wilderness with your boot tracks, when you go into the back country do you piss in a bottle cause otherwise you are leaving a human scent in a untouched area."


    Dude, stop digging...


  7. First of all where did I say foot traffic is comparable to ORV traffic, what I said was it does cause some damage, not as much as misuse of ORV's, please in the future do not misquote me.


    Second your rebuttle to me on my last post was very weak, what is that all you can say?


    Third, your link you added has nothing to do with what we were talking about. Point A, obviously this is BAD PARENTING for letting such a young child on a ORV regardless to the protections she was wearing she was way to young to be on it. And the second part was about a man that was on a legal highway that went into a ditch and was throwen from it.


    Both of these accidents could of happened in any type of vechicle, I see people going up the hill into parkland at the access point to fish creek all the time, so even people in cars do stupid things.


    What I want to know is how is this artical to do with causing damage to our wildress? Infact it has nothing to do with it cause netiher of these accidents where in the wildress or the deep backcountry.


    You say they are dangerous and can kill people, well how many diffrent type of vechiles are there out there that can kill someone if misused, once again WEAK.


    I also would like to see some sentific proof that backs up all your claims about ORV, please note I am not the one challenging the issuse your the one that is asking for complete bann so it is up to you to present the facts, just saying it does this with nothing to back it up is WEAK.


    Keep digging yourself in a hole.


    Weak......like your spelling.




  8. I see both sides of the story here, but if i walk in to lake on foot iam damgaing these areas as well???? Might as well shoot all the animals their as they walk around and piss and it will destroy the area. Non sense. Writing to your MLA is a waste of time as they have there own agenda and legacy to leave behind. I have wriiten to many government bodies about certain areas that they should be concerned about and recieve nothing, nada as a reply. This issue gets under peoples skin and yes they share there thoughts on forums, isnt that what there here for? Its an interesting topic with many different questions and answers that not everyone will like.


    Indeed, but some people (bhurt) believe foot traffic is comparable to ORV traffic? They also believe in the government.


    And then there is the other other issues with ORV's



  9. Bhurt,


    You can play with my words all you want; and twist them all you want.


    I don't take my car off-road; I limit my impact. The purpose of ORV's is to venture off-road; to areas where regular road vehicles can't go.


    You said "How do you know this do you see every single person that goes deep into the woods, I know lots of people including family members that do not do this."


    Why would you purchase on ORV....... to drive down regular roads?


    You wrote "I take peronal offence to this as lots of my family mebers own ORV's and respect the wildress, your generalization about this is totally rediculious and unfair to the people that respect the laws, and what about you walking into the backcountry destroying untouched wilderness with your boot tracks, when you go into the back country do you piss in a bottle cause otherwise you are leaving a human scent in a untouched area."


    My boot tracks and piss do little damage compared to ORV's. As I said before, the noise alone disturbs vast areas.....entire valleys in fact. Furthermore, the tracks of destruction these vehicles leave in their wake are much worse that a walking trail or path. Why do you think you can't use these modes of transportation in a national park?


    "How is a spike belt going to solve anything but make someone madder and even more destructive to the area, as they then need to bring out another ORV and either fix the damage bike there leaving god knows what or have to drag it out. I have never been for damaging other peoples property and no way shape or forum back it up."


    The spike belt comment was in jest..........., it's called 'rhetoric'; look it up in the dictionary.


    "I disagree with you on this, giving them a place to go and use their recronation vechiles on pathways that are made is far better then allowing them to destroy areas that do not have pathways."


    You must have missed the part in the article that states that areas for ORV's would be used at "those more remote campgrounds where [perhaps] you could exit out the back of the campsite and on to trails". The plan is to open up more remote areas to ORV's.


    I understand I am drastic in my opinions, but your arguments are weak. It is also obvious you are an off-road enthusiast.


    ORV's are a plague, a mold infecting the back country. Why don't you tell me what good they do for the back country, instead of what some ORV users don't do?

  10. Jason,


    This vid just goes to show that even Flyfishermen can be idoits too, does that make every fly fisher an idoit now?


    If not then why not the same for the people that use ORV, it seems to me that people just go out and look for the bad in everything and not see that there are some people out there that repect and follow the rules.


    It burns me when I see people make comments about ORV's and generalize everyone that uses one as beeing lower then them!!!!!


    I do agree that there is a problem but to generalize everyone that uses a ORV as dirt bags, low life, hillbillies, lazy, etc... is totally unfair ( to me calling people these names is just as bad as beeing a rasit, however it does not have to do with a race but with a group of people), do we really have to resort to name calling to get the point across. If it was me and someone was calling me names I would just ignore them, or worst get into a argument, thus the issuse at hand does not get solved.


    Just like the random camping *hit show there are some people that respect the laws and there are some people that do not, and this can go with anything.


    I for one am getting pretty sick and tired that every other post is about some complaining about random camping or ORV's, I think we all get the point, now my question is what are you doing to stop this. I wrote a note to a good friend of the family, which just happened to be a MLA expressing my concerns and I also called Fish and Wildlife and asked them what they are doing about these issuse? Once again what are you doing about it or are you just using the forum to vent out your fustrations?





    The damage that ORV’s cause by the noise they create is enough of a reason that to ban them; not to mention the visible damage.


    People that use these vehicles don't care about the damage they cause; they turn a blind eye as they reach deeper into the wilderness with their rancid disrespect.


    People who use ORV's may respect the laws, however, they don't respect the wilderness; if they did they wouldn't use these vehicles to access the back country.


    I do agree that calling your MLA is the best method to counter these forms of ‘recreation’; however, a spike belt would likely be more effective.


    And judging by our governments recent plans I think the ORV problem is only going to get worse.









  11. I highlighted the part that interests me..I haven't fished many places in this province, other than the Bow, and that piddle creek I had mentioned, so fortunately for me, I've not encountered any trouble...that is of YET..but I'm sure it will come, and more than likely it will be on the Bow in the fall..if I'm still here that is. Now, if a gun is produced, you can take this to the bank...old or young that person will be charged with assault with a deadly weapon if it is pointed at me or my wolf, that is a given, because first off my wolf would instinctively want to protect me her Alpha partner, [just like any dog would for it's master], and second that person needs to have their head examined if they take the law into their own hands..


    ..for the rest of you post ..I agree life is to short , just leave but take care of business when they least expect it in the proper way..............................................Wolfie


    Love the post Wolfie.

    (thumbs up)

  12. wonder why no one in this forum posted in this thread....I've seen the vids provided and because I believe that the greed of man must be curved when it comes to the destruction of any and all other life forms here on this planet, therefore, not as a "bleeding heart", but one who is always grateful for what mother nature has provided, without "greed" in her mind................I have sent an email to the premier of BC.



    (thumbs up).

  13. In 1903 the Calgary and Edmonton Land Company Ltd was granted the southern 2 quarter sections that the Sara's B&B is now on. (SW and NW of 17, Twp 7, Rng 2, W5M)


    The south most of the 3 quarters was granted to Ferdinand S Roberge (He was there in 1901 but I can't find an image of the Land Grant). (SW of 20)


    Unless the Sara's inherited both properties it is near impossible for them to own bed and bank of all three quarters. I'm not sure how a property could go from company to person and maintain the bed and bank rights, but it would likely have ocurred after Alberta was formed and unlikely that the province would have let that occur.





    If they do have Bed and Banks specifically on the title, I would love to see that!! I have never actually seen a land title with it, and only talked to one landowner who actually told me he has one (Land gifted from the queen to his great-whatever-grandfather for his service in the Boer war and NWMP- pre-Alberta, and maintained in the family). I won't mention where it is, cause I don't share my secret streams. :angel:smail:



    Nice one!

  14. Fishing a creek last year, a intoxicated lady(35) approached me and my dad & stated this was her grandmothers land and we should leave. My dad let her know about the water rights and so we continued with the hole. She comes back 10 min later in a bathing suit and starts swimming the hole, kicking her legs all around while stating again this his their land. My dad keeps telling her if she gets a hook in the leg it ain't our fault.

    So we give up the deep hole and move further down, she stops swimming and drives her van down to the creek and starts honking the horn non stop.


    This lady was off her rocker and not the owner, but as long as you don't touch their property there should be no issue, it's kind of similar to people who are pissed because you parked infront of their house.


    You should have harpooned that whale.

  15. Yea Jumpingpound is the same. Had a farmer chase me and my wife with his shotgun off HIS creek. This is the section below hwy 1 for about 2-3km. I told this jackass farmer to shot me then if it makes him feel better. His reply was i would but dont want to go to jail.My wife then said you couldve been a little nicer about this and we would fish elsewere as no signs are posted anywhere about not fishing..He then rants off " another city bitch".I then lost it on this redneck. Talk to me like that fine, but why the remarks at the wife??? I could see if we were destroying the fences or what not but we were walking in the creek. We walked IN the creek to fish this section and parked along hwy1. No fishermen should be put in this situation. If i was on YOUR land and trying to steal something, buy all means protect it. If you find my fishing rod and hooks to be a threat, that people have to pull out guns, i hate to see the tank come out if i drove onto your land. Very sad.


    I have met a lot of great land owners who are generally pretty good about access, but their are a few who think they own the river, etc.


    The worst part of encountering these individuals while fishing is that it really puts you off your day; none of us go to the river to argue.


    That said, if they start making threats I have now made a point of reacting; I'm typically with a few people and these landowners would be foolish to do something.


    If they ruin my day; I'll ruin theirs........


  16. Dr. Sara's place...it is very likely they own the only privately held streambed rights in Western Canada. I am not sure if this has been settled in court yet but it is prudent to assume they do. The agreement at issue has been grandfathered and signed previous to the last century. The smart thing to do is not go there and be thankful this is the (unlike the U.S.) the only place in around here that this is happening. I haven't fished the stretch for a couple of decades. Don't look for problems. Don't go there without permission. That includes inside the highwater mark.



    Actually they don'y own the water; there are only two places in Alberta were people own the river bottom. The first place is a small section of the Jumping Pound, the second is a section of Stauffer.



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