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InvermereAngler's Achievements

Baetis Nymph

Baetis Nymph (3/10)



  1. Bravo... good job quoting me....I didnt say anything about blocking peoples access or anything about the actual boat launch.
  2. Just wondering why some dumb ass decided to leave his jet boat in the middle of the road at mac?
  3. You should switch the sage 9'6" for the bIIIx 9'6" its the best rod in the series.
  4. Jordo - What dubbing and leg matererials are you using on that Stimmie.
  5. I am about to bring a boat across the border. Can anyone share their experiences on what all is needed? Thanks
  6. Ummm I think you missed the best one...... how about a Winston Boron IIT. Have you seen their videos on the small creeks.
  7. Check out the Galven Torque Large Arbor at Bow River Troutfitters.
  8. I paid for mine...
  9. $350 on #43 BOW JET BOAT TRIP, PART 2!
  10. $250 on #43 BOW JET BOAT TRIP, PART 2!
  11. I hope the dinks that crashed in on my group today read this. Me and 3 friends were fishing a run today and a group of 8 guys decided to crash in and fish all around us. One guy was so pissed that we were there he went and sat in the bushes by himself for 2 hours and sulked (I thought he was being nice by not crashing in on us). After awhile he decided to fish a bit and he was the worst person in the whole group. If any of you guys are a members on this board you should be ashamed of your self and actions.
  12. Fat Albert - Pinkerton Hook: Size 8 to 14 dry fly hook Thread: Black 6/0 Body: Pink Foam and Black Foam Wing: Crystal Flash and Antron Yarn Legs: Barred Pink/Black and Barred Black/White Medium Rubber Legs I learned on the St. Marys River that cutthroats and rainbows love to eat anything pink. I must say the same holds true to the fish in and around Calgary.
  13. Don do you want to give the recipe for a of those chironomids? I have been cranking through a bunch of the wicked patterns in the book Modern Midges. Some of the ones you tied up look pretty nice as well. Cant wait till the ice breaks up to hit some lakes in BC.
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