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Everything posted by fish4trout

  1. theres a wire leader on it, enough said...
  2. Easily the dumbest post ever made on this forum. What a horrible inaccurate statement, of course that does damage to them. Let me pick you up by the eyes and we'll see how that feels. Hope you didnt lead someone into following your footsteps, what an idiotic post.
  3. that guy needs some rocksalt in the ass, goddamn yuppie. I'm willing to bet he wouldnt have the slightest clue what CWD stands for if you asked. Stupid f@cking anti's.
  4. should of bought a domestic
  5. looks like ya found one of the brood stock at a private lake in cowtown, some real pigs to be had!
  6. Quite simple, people need there stuff stroked for catching some nice fish. They need the ego boost. Sad...
  7. reel left cast right
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