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Baetis Nymph

Baetis Nymph (3/10)



  1. Wholeheartedly recommend the St Croix Legend Ultra, 7'9" 3 wt. If you can find one to take out and cast, do it. That was all the convincing I needed. St. Croix calls it fast action, but I would say it is closer to medium. Just my opinion though.
  2. Thanks, I'll give this a shot.
  3. I broke in my new (to me) G. Loomis 8 weight last week, and noticed a bit of an annoyance. The cork at the top of the handle has a bit of play. It is the uppermost 2 rings or so, where my thumb sits, and where I transfer a fair bit of power during the cast. It moves maybe 2-3 mm, enough to be noticeable, as if there is a space between the cork and the blank under the rings. Any ideas on a quick home repair job? Inject some epoxy or some other material? Thanks!
  4. I just found this in my search to answer a similar question. You can add all the stocked lakes/sterams in BC as placemarks in Google Earth. Once added, you can click on any placemark, and it will give you the option to link through to another page, and there you can click on the stocking report. Some lakes also have bathymetry data. BC stocking reports
  5. I've always found much better definition using brown or amber lenses for my polarized sunglasses. I actually prefer the way grey doesn't "artificially" exaggerate colours, so my non-fishing sunglasses all have grey lenses. But when it comes to picking out structure and fish, it is much easier with the brown.
  6. Nice! That is a solid looking fish.
  7. Great photos. Love that pic of the whitefish, with the fine detail.
  8. Thanks for all the advice (on here and by PM), this is exactly what I need. I'll make sure I get into it properly, and start by talking to some of the experts.
  9. I am looking to add an 8 weight to my quiver, as the heaviest line I currently cast is 5. The main force behind this desire is a late summer trip to the Bulkley Valley BC, for some salmon and summer steelheading. Something I have never done, and I'll be out there for a wedding. Other reasons I'm looking for an 8 is the occasional pike trip, bass in the east, something for big streamers, etc. I have been interested in trying my hand at spey casting, so I was thinking of killing two birds with one stone. Would a switch rod be the answer? What length? Model recommendations? What kind of investment would I be looking to make in the line department? Note: I know very little about spey, and I would want to be able to use the rod as a traditional single hand a bunch of time.
  10. I actually picked one of these (590) up in the fall from the seller that has most of them up there (IdahoJoe208). He was great to deal with, and the rod looks beautiful. Haven't cast it yet though... Though had I known the whistler shop deal was coming up I might have done that instead.
  11. This is my exact story, except with a 5wt line. Terrible to load, until you get a ton of it out there. I'm hoping the Rio Grand does the trick...
  12. Read this: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article....rarian-nonsense If opinions remain unchanged and skeptics remain skeptical (which is what I expect) we are in just as much trouble as it appears. But really, what does it matter, because the article is just another piece of the grand "climate scheme", right?
  13. Goggle/helmet fit compatibility is important too, or you can end up with the dreaded "gaper gap". I have a pair of Smith Phenom goggles that fit excellently with my Giro helmet. But I would try the goggles you are looking to buy with the helmet you may also be buying. FWIW I really like the Smith Phenom goggles (more so than oakleys), they've never fogged on me, and the lenses are great. They fit a small-medium face the best. They can be a bit pricey, though, if you can't find them on sale.
  14. Heh... I know those girls. At least two of them used to work in the lab where I'm doing my MSc. Nice video, I miss summer.
  15. ... and the occasional rig - when I'm back east at the folks. Guess which one I like more?
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