horsepower=gas. Thrust= electric. If your boat can handle a 10 horsepower motor then i think that any electric trolling motor on the market will suit your boat just fine.. I run a 24lbs thrust motor on my 12ft jon boat, its moves the boat pretty good even with 3 people on board.
Thrust ( electric trolling motors) is the amount of water that the prop will push whereas horsepower is the amount of power produced from the small engine. A gas engine will be faster, more powerful, however they are noisy and obviously not as good for the enviro as a electric.
they run on deep cycle batteries, however a car/truck battery will do for a while( deep cycle batteries can be recharged over and over again) I got my battery from crappy tire for about 80 bucks, when it dies i hook it up to my truck and drive around for a bit until it has a full chrage again ( you can buy battery chargers for around 80 bucks)
hope that helps!!