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Everything posted by coolwaters

  1. interesting video, last few years they have been caughed in kitimat b.c. calamrie rings the size of truck tires.....could soon become a problem !
  2. Love the shots, you got some nice pics dude. Flying ant shot is pretty crazy looking
  3. horsepower=gas. Thrust= electric. If your boat can handle a 10 horsepower motor then i think that any electric trolling motor on the market will suit your boat just fine.. I run a 24lbs thrust motor on my 12ft jon boat, its moves the boat pretty good even with 3 people on board. Thrust ( electric trolling motors) is the amount of water that the prop will push whereas horsepower is the amount of power produced from the small engine. A gas engine will be faster, more powerful, however they are noisy and obviously not as good for the enviro as a electric. they run on deep cycle batteries, however a car/truck battery will do for a while( deep cycle batteries can be recharged over and over again) I got my battery from crappy tire for about 80 bucks, when it dies i hook it up to my truck and drive around for a bit until it has a full chrage again ( you can buy battery chargers for around 80 bucks) hope that helps!!
  4. a pumpkin 2 days before halloween last year, worked out too cause the wife was hounding me to go buy one... numerous beers and a gold bracelet.
  5. i guess they feed with more senses than just sight, do you think that they hear the fly hit the surface or hear you twitching away?? would dropping your fly on the water a little harder help out??
  6. are trout still looking up at night time. i mean when its pitch black can they really see a little dry or even a big hopper???? seems to me that streamers are what catches my fish at night!
  7. I brought one home due to a deep hook up, i will definately never eat a bow brown again. It wasnt too stinky when fried however it did not taste as good as lit looked. My home water trout definatly taste alot better
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