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Everything posted by egocop

  1. Dude. Your IP is logged! How dare you speak your mind, or state your opinion in a non-constructive manner. And please don't tell others what they can or can't lose sleep over.
  2. You $eem to be forgetting that the$e individual$ have other number$ in mind..... 1 day of fishing = experienced. 1000 days of fishing = experienced. 400+ fish in a day = $igh.
  3. So, are you the only one who can express their opinion on here? He has a very valid point and is educating others.
  4. I will just leave this here: e•go•ism n. 1. a. The ethical doctrine that morality has its foundations in self-interest. b. The ethical belief that self-interest is the just and proper motive for all human conduct. 2. Excessive preoccupation with one's own well-being and interests, usually accompanied by an inflated sense of self-importance. 3. Egotism; conceit. The "ego" is an imaginary state of mind, an illusion... You're ego is something that permits you to think that you are better than you really are; It's a cover up, a bandaid solution for an insecurity. When ego over inflates, there are four early warning signs: 1. Being defensive: defending ideas turns into being defensive. 2. Being comparative: being too competitive actually makes you less competitive. 3. Seeking acceptance: desiring respect and recognition interferes with success. 4. Showcasing brilliance: ideas can be overshadowed by your own intelligence and talent.
  5. Obviously, the spin fishermen are fishing out 'your' spot. OR It could be that you're too focused on not getting run over by a drift boat.
  6. The one comment which sticks out to me from that closed thread is that waders do not have the right of way and should that they should get out of the drift boats way, and head to the bank to wait it out. Hopefully that was a joke.
  7. If spin fishers get labeled as meat chuckers, and ASSumptions are made that they catch to kill (even in a sarcastic or joking way), I see no reason why we can't ASSume that all flyfishermen are elitist snobs who feel they own the river more than anyone else.....because they have a 'client' in their boat, and another one standing by. I do not doubt any 'guides' passion for the fisheries or sport, however the fact remains that they are doing this to make a living and to feed their families. The solution is quite simple. Avoid them at all costs, unless you have deep pockets, thick skin, and can deal with over inflated egos. Should you encounter a 'guide' on the river.......think of it like a bear sighting, and back away slowly. They don't want to see you as much as you don't want to see them.
  8. This is quite uncalled for. The contributors and individuals who frequent that forum are likely more passionate for conservation than the elite & arrogant fly-fisherman claim to be.
  9. FACT 1: http://alberta.ca/home/NewsFrame.cfm?Relea...F5F31ED1E8.html
  10. Very confused when you say I argue for my right to fish yet in your sig line you advertise you guide in these very waters?? There are also some Trip reports - on the site in said signature - during the time of this summers stream advisory which was between July 31 - Aug 17th!!
  11. While I respect your humble opinion, here is some GREAT advice when it comes to light weight rods and line weight: Let's say you're using a 3wt rod with a 3wt line on a small stream. Most of your casts are going to be less than 15 or 20 feet. Take away the leader and you only have about 10 feet or so of fly line aerialized. Well that's not enough line weight to allow the rod to perform as designed. So, in this case, its makes perfect since to overline your rod. Ten feet of a 4wt line might give you enough aerialized weight to allow the rod to perform better and thus improve your casting. So think about it. You may want to overline your new rod depending on how far you think you'll be casting. Source: http://www.theflyfishingforum.com/forums/f...-line-2126.html A 4WT DT line on a 3WT fast action rod works fantastic for dries in small creeks......IMHO
  12. Bingo-Bango....and they dont even have to be nice fish. Ego wh0res.
  13. Just because there are no Walleye's in the Bow, that doesnt mean there are no Walleye's in the province, or within a few hours of Calgary. If you look 'outside the box' and check out the regs, there are SEVERAL Southern AB lakes which allow you to keep up to 3 Walleyes over 50cm. That is all.
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