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    County of Cariboo, B.C. Canada

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  1. I didn't actually post them for the contest. Just trying to share. j
  2. The body is that mylar-type Easter-basket fill stuff you can get in craft stores. My Honey got a bunch of it for fancy gift packs and I scooped a hand-full of each colour, green, mauve and gold. One handful is a lifetime supply. j
  3. Hi Jeff! What you can't see in that boatman is the foam wrapped on the hook shank that is then over-wrapped with the crystal chenille. That pattern is actually a "dry fly" in that it stays right on the surface, right in the surface film, creating a small, sub-surface wake, works very well as an attractant. j
  4. OK. Late last winter, using experimental salmon egg patters on the S. Thompson River, E. of Kamloops: After stillwater ice-off in the Cariboo, I went with "old faithful": As the productive stillwaters warmed and chironomids began to emerge: then during early June, the caddis emergers were pretty good: and this fall, in late September, the waterboatmen dropped while I was actually on the damn water !! j
  5. Weedy: Read this a day or three ago and emailed "The Kid"(also known as "Food Boy") who is the coffee "connoisseur" of the family, asked his thoughts: "There's really only delonghi and krups very comparable in that 130.00 , but realistically cheaper espresso machines (which combos are) are pretty crappy, and they take a long time to brew. They will get the job done but its not quick like at a coffee shop. Most would be disappointed. That's why I want to upgrade to a saeco espresso machine, 30 second espresso, sweet." j
  6. Upper crust Seoul, I believe. :rotflmao: j
  7. Don't you find Hardy's have that annoying "British Accent" ?? j
  8. Back side: Spool/Frame view: As you can see, the spool has a nice large, smooth palming rim. I set the clicker drag on maximum and it IS loud! Everyone on the flow for 500 metres will know it's an Islander !! j
  9. I'll send it to you just as soon as I'm done with it, SD !! I should have added this exerpt from the accompanying letter: ""We are looking for some comments and constructive criticism on the reel with regard to aesthetics and operation..." info@islander.com " j
  10. Weight is with the #6 spool on it. The #6 spool arbor is 2.5" in dia. the #8 arbor is 2". No idea if there is a weight difference. I don't have the extra #8 spool. j
  11. Tentative intro date Sept. 2011 MSRP: approx $400 j
  12. Can I suggest you reverse the process ? Contact one of the local shops that have spey stuff, take the opportunity to take a casting lesson, then find a rod that suits you and your possible "style" of casting(fast or relaxed). Casting takes practice, be advised: there is NO "magic bullet", you develop a "style" and you acquire a rod that suits that style, then you add a line that suits the rod and your style and fine tune the line for optimum performance in your application. j
  13. Received a prototype "Islander Classic" today and have to share. This is Prototype # 023, non-anodized, tumbled and polished, exactly as all Islanders are prior to anodizing. The "Classic" is a traditional "click & pawl" mid-line weight reel, with a No. 6 spool for 5, 6, 7wt spey lines and a separate No. 8 spool for 7, 8, 9 wt lines. I will be loading the reel with a wide variety of SA spey lines over the next few days and will post the capacities of the No. 6 spool for those who may be interested. The marginally adjustable drag pressure is through the frame side 5 position drag knob. As in all traditional "click/pawl" drags, additional drag pressure can be set by removing the clicker spring and bending the arms inward a bit. This is again, a traditional bushing reel, using two Oilite bushings in the spool, riding on a polished stainless spindle. -No, I have no idea what the MSRP will be -No I have no idea when the "Classic" will be available. But I will advise just as soon as I have those answers. The production colour will be "Slate Grey/Blue" sort of like this production IR4: THIS is what the non-anodized "Islander Classic" looks like: and the "gold effect": j
  14. No, not at all. And as I'm not associated with Amundson anymore, there is not even a connection there. I was given the opportunity to test some spey and single-hand lines this year (due in part to my pressing SA to develop compact scandi and spey lines for the trout spey rods that I was involved with at the time) and these are some of the object as possible results. Water conditions that both lines were used on were very similar, except that the SA prototype was used a bit, on stillwater, experimenting with an indicator and 20' chironomid set up, because it seemed to shoot a bit better than the Airflo compact. Your mileage may vary. j
  15. They will not be at dealers just yet. They are similar profile to the Airflo. The grain weight will be slightly different, SA has 280 grain, 320 grain, Airflo 270 & 300 (for instance) . I spent the past season waving a 300 Airflo compact on a trout spey, it is pretty well shot, so the durability factor is similar to Rio. The SA 280 Extreme prototype has seen slightly under a season of equal use, it looks/feels virtually new, still. So, unless it goes to hell very suddenly, the SA should be good for at least a couple of long seasons. The shooting line that I've been using on both is the new SA .021 floating shooting line, best I have ever used. Textured line(no, not Sharkskin) like a golf ball, floats high, no tangles, smooth shooting. j
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