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Everything posted by tbone

  1. The Copper Crawler An easy to tie stonefly pattern using copper wire as the primary material. Hook: Size 6 2X curved nymph hook Thread: Lt. Brown Tail: 10gr copper wire Antennae: 10gr copper wire Bead: 3/16 copper Underbody: Rusty brown ice dub Ribbing: 10gr copper wire Thorax: Rusty brown ice dub Wing Case: Pearlescent film marked with black pen or natural thinskin Legs: Twisted 10gr copper wire Tying Instructions 1) Tie in copper wire for tail 2) Tie in long piece of copper wire for rib 3) Dub a tapered body with ice dub 4) Cover the dubbing with the copper wire for the rib, each wrap touching the next. 5) Tie in wing case 6) Twist copper wire to make 3 sets of legs (I use the vice). Tie in each one with figure 8 wraps on top of the hook shank evenly spaced. 7) Dub around legs. 8) Pull wing case over thorax and tie down behind bead. 9) Whip finish and cement. 10) Add markings to wing case with black sharpie if using film instead of thinskin. 11) Bend legs into position. Note: You can use a drop of super glue on the joints of each leg to reinforce the shape if desired.
  2. tbone

    Trick Or Treat

    Tungsten, first time Ive been out in last 2 months...didnt fish last week?
  3. Gotta love the big browns that get dressed up for halloween. Caught Nov 2nd on the Bow.
  4. I actually consider a bloodworm to be a midge larva...and they are in fact red or orange and rarely larger than size 14. Maybe there are actual worms called blood worms but I was referring to midge larva...sorry
  5. While the red chenille and wire worms caught fish I wasnt convinced they were the best worm pattern. I tried a lot of prototype worms this past fall and spring on the Bow. I'd fish a triple worm rig to test all of them out against each other. I found a couple of interesting things after about 100 fish landed. Fish preferred the more natural colors rather than red. Fish preferred worms with a "hot spot" on them. Fish preferred worms that were NOT weighted really heavily. When given the choice fish preferred worms about 1.5" long. With these findings Ive been able to come up with a pattern that works killer for me. Keep in mind this pattern was meant to imitate natural aquatic worms, not earthworms or bloodworms. Experimentation and creating new patterns is one of the joys of fly fishing for me. Happy fly tying.
  6. Could be the water your are fishing. The runs I fished in the winter and early spring are not producing any fish anymore. The choppy riffles and seams 1-5ft deep is where most of the fish were feeding the past 2 weeks. Things may have changed in the past few days? Make sure you are using enough weight to tick bottom during your drift. Add external weight if necessary. Set the hook lots! Ive watched so many people complain about success and then have gone fishing with them and have watched them completely miss or ignore so many takes during their drifts. When I am in the zone and know fish are infront of me I set the hook nearly every drift. Hope this helps. Their is a learning curve to fishing the bow but sounds like you are well on your way to figuring it out. PS - you may want to try a olive green caddis pupa if going out again soon. The hatch has started and most fish will key in on them and ignore everything else. Even if you get your prince and worm combo infront of them they may refuse it.
  7. When I fish nymphs I mainly roll cast but more often than not its more of a "power haul/sling back upstream" from the end of the drift. Ive gotten pretty proficient at it and can do it backhand and forehand and get it out there up to 50ft. If I have to I will correct it immediately afterwards with a traditional roll cast. After all its like cdock said..the cast doesnt have to look to pretty as long as you can get it out into "the zone" ... then mend and use line control to get the right drift.
  8. Like I said my tests were negative. I agree that if someone knows they have a herniated or bulging disc that core exercises ARE NOT going to fix it. Im just talking about mysterious back pain with MRI / CT being negative. Talk to a doctor before doing exercises. Bandee - What I mean by core exercises is I guess pretty vague. I dont do pilates (Doc said its a bit too intense for back injuries to start with) but a lot of the same positions I try to hold are found in Pilates. The link you gave is somewhat similar to what I do but a lot more of my exercies involve a ball. My doctor gave me about 40 different exercises (printed out on paper) to do and I pick 4 each day and do them. Rotate through them evenly and start with the easier ones and work up to the harder ones on the ball later on. About half of them use an exercise ball. Sorry I do not have an electronic version. The most important thing is to engage your TA (transverse abdominus) and Multifidus muscles. These are inner abdominal muscles that support your back! You have to learn how to do these contractions if you have never done core exercises before. These contractions are the same thing that pilates is based around for the most part. Drawing your belly button into your spine without using your diaphragm etc.. I think the 3 most beneficial exercises for me have been the plank, side plank, and sit-ups on the ball with TA engaged. I'll post more if anyone has more questions..gotta run.
  9. My MRI was negative too, however I could throw my back out putting on a pair of socks. After almost a year of this, the problem just compounds on itself and your inner back muscles become very weak and strained. I tried chiro, physio, accupuncture you name it. Finally I went to one doctor who identified that I kept spraining a joint in my lower back because the muscles bracing that joint were too weak. Furthermore I could not sleep for more than 4 hours a night because my back would just go into spasm when resting. After 10 weeks of CORE EXERCISES EVERY DAY I feel WAY better. Now I can bend down and lift heavy things. My fishing is no longer affected. The odd time I do tweak my lower back I can usually recover from it completely within 5 minutes of stretching whereas before I would be out for days with heavy swelling. As lame as it sounds, strengthening my inner abdominal muscles has pretty much cured me. I used to pretty much ignore this advice in the past thinking it had to be something more complicated. BTW, I have always been pretty fit and have lifted weights often before the injury so I was surprised when I was told a part of my body was very very weak. I just never focused on core training when going to the gym and now its become my focus. Hope this info helps the people with "mysterious" back problems.
  10. Great game. Bobby Lou was due for a big night and was the difference in the game. If you think the Canucks lack consistancy (which they do) take a look at the Flames as well..? When the Canucks went on a tear in March, Luongo's play was good but not great. He let in a lot of soft goals and by no means was the difference maker in most games. Also, keep in mind that Luongo was injured for 20+ games this season..if Kipper was gone for 20+ games this season, would the Flames and Canucks still be tied right now with 2 games left? I'm thinking no. IMO, on paper the flames are a better group of players but the Canucks are a better team.
  11. X 2 btw - your trout paintings are cool
  12. 1 hectare - 10,000 sq meters so 85 * 10,000 sq m * 6.1 m = 5,185,000
  13. I think you are right, I get the same answer and used a conversions website to check it.
  14. Is the store open or is it closed because of the accident?
  15. Nucks fan here... nice preseason game last night vs the flames, doesnt mean squat but still fun to watch! All the critics say the canucks will suck and miss the playoffs this year which I dont understand because I think the team they will ice this year will be the best lineup they've had in the past 3 years. 2 years ago they made it to the second round of the playoffs and also captured the NW division title. On paper, the flames have better players than the canucks but as a team I think the canucks will do better and be very hard to play against given their gritty forwards, D, and goaltender. As for Bert, good luck with him calgary fans...watch him float around and do donuts at the blue line and then take dumb penalties on your own power play...he'll never be the same player as he was before the 'incident'.
  16. Nice fish, I would like to catch an atlantic one day. I think the guide was a little off saying 44" and 30 pounds - Ive caught 30 pound chinook salmon that look twice that size ... but who knows the pic might not do it justice. Thanks for sharing it with us.
  17. It was an outdoor pool, mid day, just the sun for light. I've read a number of sources in text books, online and have been taught about what happens to colors underwater and this is the first time I've heard of someone saying red disappears at just 3 feet. It really does depend upon water clarity though so maybe for the author of the article it was fading out much quicker.
  18. "3 feet" - this is the first time Ive heard red disappears at 3 feet. It depends on how bright the day is and the water clarity, but I think 10 - 20ft is more reasonable for red. We actually did tests in physics class in a swimming pool and you could clearly see red was red down at the bottom of the deep end. I guarantee you that blue and green light can be seen well past 30 feet ?????
  19. I think my problem is that my anticipation is so high, as soon as I see the fish come up, Im snapping the rod tip back with a "nymphing hook set". I seem to connect much better with the caddis emerger than the big foam patterns....but its fun fishing the hopper / dropper this time of year. I'll work on my timing, thanks!
  20. Man Ive been having a hell of a time hooking fish that have taken my dry fly as of late... My take to landing ratio when nymphing is usually very good. I've been using a chernobyl ant the past few times out and have got a bunch of takes on it but when I set the hook I end up just barely stinging the fish or missing it completely. I think I'm too fast on the trigger??? Does anyone else have this problem? Any tips? Thanks.
  21. I also bought a pair of snowbees from Courtney and have pretty much the exact same comments about them as mkm. So far so good!
  22. I have my own version of the CDC Caddis which I have tested on the Bow and has become my "go-to" caddis pattern when trout are rising to emergers. Here is the pattern: http://www.fishtactics.com/ViewFlyPattern?patternID=3
  23. Thanks that one looks good too! Cant wait to try them out.
  24. Thanks I appreciate that, I can figure out the pattern just from looking at the pic.
  25. I'm looking for a good adult golden stone pattern for the Bow. I'd like to swing the pattern and skate it across the surface. Is anyone willing to share a proven pattern? I saw a bunch of big stones get gobbled up close to shore this evening
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