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Fly Fusion Forums


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Everything posted by jefferson

  1. I was talking to some folks at the expo who say they're opening up a new fly shop around Dunbow. I'm just wondering what kind of impact that and Bass pro is going to have on existing business'. Is there enough demand to support them all?
  2. and the 'Nucks continue to choke! I love it... Luongo gets lit up by... who?? Ouch.. the Coyotes. Go Flames!
  3. I just wanted to thank the many local folks who've answered my many stupid questions since I started fly fishing about a month ago. I have not met one person who hasn't been more than happy to share what they know... even offer a fly that may be working at the time. The help has certainly paid off too. I was getting a little frustrated after spending the first couple weeks catching nothing, but the last week or so has been great and last night I landed my first 20" Rainbow... and then a 20" Brown not more than an hour later! It's a great community here in Calgary and I'll be sure to uphold that when I'm on the water!
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