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Everything posted by dkbnmn

  1. Where could I have a closer look at one of these?
  2. I bought some mice flies too. I also heard the Swimmy Jimmy from slideinn.com is wicked for top water strikes.
  3. Thank you for the help. I caught a 24 ish inch bully this past weekend and then grew frustrated to watch huge fish come up halfway to my fly and turn back around. Just out of curiosity, what setup does the humblefisherman use?
  4. Thank you for the help. I caught a 24 ish inch bully this past weekend and then grew frustrated to watch huge fish come up halfway to my fly and turn back around. Just out of curiosity, what setup does the humblefisherman use?
  5. I only have a 6wt rod. Do you think I'll have an issue with an over weight line on that rod? For the up river mend I just keep shooting line to the top of the pool and try to keep the line high for as long as possible. Is that what you mean?
  6. I was on the highwood this weekend. Fishing is good. Water is a little high and be carefull with your footing, I went over some rapids with my wadders on (scared the crap out of me) and bring bear spray. A big brown bear swam out of the pool I was fishing and stuck arrond longer than I liked.
  7. Just wondering what some of you are doing to get your flies down to the bullies in the deepest pools of the Highwood. I was running the dc type VI Rio line with heavy weighted double bunnies, clouser minnow; I am even going to try tying some T&A rainbows in an assortment of colors and weight the crap out of them as well. Nothing seems to sink fast enough to target those pigs in 15 to 20 feet of water. I have since replaced my fly line to streamer express short 200g 6-7 weight and considering adding a t-17 15ft tip to this.
  8. I would like one aswell if any should have one for sale.
  9. wow.... hope he's ok
  10. I was just on google maps and I think i found an ok place
  11. Can anyone recomend a good place on the bow to go fishing today? I don't know it that well and would like to put in a few hours today. PM me
  12. Hey fellas', looking for a little info on some rods that I'm looking at and maybe some directions as to what some of you streamer guys are using. Here is the short list of rods: Loop AEG 696-4 Loop Multi 696-4 Loomis MAX GLX 9" 6wt Loomis Stream dance GLX 9"6' 6wt or 10" 6wt Guideline LPXE 9" 6wt sage xp 690-4 sage z-axis 690-4 Thomas & Thomas HE 696-4 This is going to be my streamer rod and only my streamer rod. I am and will be using RIO DC type 6wt and 7 wt with is and probable will be looking at the RIO outbounds WF6S6 line.
  13. I have been fishing for longer that I can remember and every day I learn something new. Best advice I can offer is read anything you can get your hands on. Learn to read the water and identify where the trout are. The dude that walked past you and caught fish probably knew where to deliver the lure and where to retrieve (or maybe he just got lucky). Also, know that every style (Nymphing vs Streamers vs Dry) has very distinct strategies and technique. The truth is fly fishing is an art and a skill that takes a long time to master. You have to enjoy just being out there because all of us have had days where you whip the water all day and gone home without seeing a fish. I few recommendations for reading or viewing. Streamer Fishing for Trophy Trout DVD by Kelly Galloup (anything by this guy is very good) Nymphing by the Numbers by Kelly Galloup Anything by Scientific Anglers DVD series. Loads on you tube. From basic fly casting to advance.
  14. Thanks for all the tips fellas. I went with the SA wet tip V line and started shooting the line a bit higher above the water. Cought a 26" brown with the new setup yesterday afternoon so feeling pretty good about it.
  15. I tried every rod in my price range including the Flight and the Scott a3 (very fast) and had the same problem with all of them.
  16. Hey guys, It might be best to start with what I'm using now and where I want to go. Currently using RIO'S WF 6wt with a #6 sink tip (6 ips) attached tip to tip to throw streamers and having problems with loop control and occasionally getting smacked in the back of the head with Klaus minnows. Very helpful dude at fishtails said the issue is my line setup and I would improve my casting with an integrated line. I.e. Scientific angler’s wet tip express or scientific anglers wet tip. Has anyone tried these lines or any others that you would recommend? Should I be looking at a full sinking line and does a full sinking line have the same sink rate and as a sink tip? Any advice would be much appreciated.
  17. I had the same problem and switch to eugene bend and solved all problems with breakinh knots.
  18. Any body give me a good idea of what dry fly and size the fish are taken on the upper bow. D
  19. Private sale. I can email you if I come accross another one. I've been shoping pretty hard for a few weeks.
  20. Thank you. I bought it. For $100 I can justify using it as back up if i don't like it.
  21. Thank you. I can buy one for $100.
  22. Looking at buying a used GL3 9' 6wt for dry fly in the bow. I have read mixed reviews on this rod when it come to dry fly. I am also looking at a G Loomis xperience same length and weight. Please Help! Need advice.
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