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Everything posted by syncmaster

  1. i just spent 2 1/2 hours this afternoon on the bow north of Calgary and had about 22 good hits (I need help from MAXX on turing more hits into hooks) landed 3 the biggest was maybe 14 inches smallest 10 Most of the hits were from small fish (kind of fun to watch these guys try and try to get the fly but either keep missing or (and) I am too slow. But they are small and it was more fun watching them frantically leaping into the air for the fly than if I had caught them - wouold have felt bad for them I used a Geen Drake emerger (Head sort of sticks up and hook is submerged) (mid sized - i dont know he number), worked well chnaged to a salmon fly - not bad (smallish) last used a caddis (small) great All dry flies use plenty of the floaty gunk saw a number rising (tended to be rather small fish) but I have no idea what they rose to Caught a nice Rainbow a couple of days ago - close to 40cm (sorry i use my arm for guessing adn am at the awkward age where they tried to teach us metric and imperial at the same time. Ended up not knowing either that well and not real good at converstions) That was on a larger fly with wings - not sure what it was but it floated had a little purple tuft of hair on top and the body was yellow (I say was cause I lost it shortly afterwards) Hope that helps
  2. great thank you appreciate the advice and info
  3. My family and I are going to Hawii for Christmas and wanted to head out to Maui Looking into hotels or rental property that will leave enough money left over so we can actually do something. Hotels i checked out look really good but airfare and accomodations are really expensive. Last time i was there 2 years ago we staying in great hotels - had nearly daily excursions (you know touristy stuff to get to know the place bit better). when i look into airfare and hotel (and for nearly 5 days shorter) it was the same cost as our entire holiday last time. So i was wondering if anyoneknew of any deals or had apartments to rent 4 people (parents and teenage daughters) Appreciate and ideas thanks
  4. the water was fine and wadeable - some areas for me were a bit tough but I lived. clarity - perfect! (almost) early morning lots of Skeeters - which didnt bother the other 2 cause I am the preferential food of choice, and until all the quality blood is gone they left them alone. by mid to late afternoon they pretty much ignored me and went after the other 2 dudes (is that the correct useage Max?)
  5. I have a 3,4 and 5 wt rods all 2 piece thinking of adding to the collection. Fish almost entirely in Alberta, any recommendations for a next step? should I go up to a 6 or7? or higher? I am thinking of in the near future doing a bit more fishing on the Bow, but having said that i still love the mountain areas. what about for windy areas like deep south? any rods or reels recommended? thanks
  6. Just wanted to drop a quick note on the Central alberta outing and how it went. Those of you who never hire guides but want to learn more - I highly recommend it. Not only can they help you with tecnique, fly selection, get you often to waters you might never find yourself (unless you have tons of free time or are starting off fishing younger(wish I did). They also carry food and drink for you which is pretty good too. the guide we had was young but did a great job and taught me a few new things as well got me onto waters I came close to in the past but probably would not have found on my own. Fishing on a couple of Creeks was slow on the Wednesday but still nice to be out and today we went onto the Blackstone - the fish are coming up for the dries nicely. Got 1 white, 4 bulls and and whole bunch of Cutts all on dries. walked for miles (the young guide walked my butt off (but I told him I liked to explore so not his fault) and I have to admit I had a great time and saw lots of beautiful country) I am sure a guy like Max would have something interesting to say - but I dont understand what he says most of the time except that I think it is good) Anyway if you want to accelerate your learning curve - hire a guide Thanks Byron you did agreat job Bernie
  7. syncmaster


    how long on average is the life span of the tippet spool I was using my 5X today and it kept breaking off at the hook, and where i tied it to the leader/line what ever it is called is the line no good and i should replace it, or is there something else I should know about lost about a dox\zen flies today as it was my only tippet
  8. you know people are right to say i dont read. I misread your post and thought you were going the Sunday past Duh oh well I still dont know a great deal of the Highwood, but found a few spots i have plotted on my GPS that are decent - just need a better fisherman to catch the fish. eventually i will figure it out. Off to Eurpoe for a week next week to do some wine tasting but will be back ready to hit the waters mid July Keep safe and save some fish for me i prefer stupid fish - smart fish make me look bad
  9. so how did it go on the HIghwood? down south was pretty good, got some nice Cutts 35 - 40 cm (how big is that in inches?) and while the area was packed with dirt bikes and ATVs, not allot of people actually fishing - just a few. found a new creek too - well new to me amyway. got a few small cutts on that one to. well hope you and your guests had fun and were safe
  10. ok so I would look for the message at top of the page where it says "New Mesages"? thank you
  11. Good luck on the Highwood I am heading down to the Lynx and area on Sunday, from what I saw last weekend, the rivers look pretty high and not really wadeable. July I will be on the waters nearly weekly (ususally mid week as it is quieter), and August I have a number of outings planned too. Love to have company - someone to let my family know where the bear ate me and where they can claim my truck. let me know if you want to go I am always willing. PS what is PM?
  12. in case the answer is that they can't change the location I still am planning on going down south - want to hook up and check some waters out?
  13. What a shame, cause I am actually planning on going out on Sunday, but I he HIghwood is one river I only have a moderate experience with. Can you go elsewhere or does it have to be the HIghwood. I am more familiar with rivers adn streams further south. More north I think will still be pretty high for a bit longer, but in the south the waters are looking not too bad, high but fairly clear. Fish are starting to get more active now too. if you can change location I might be able to help you out
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