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Everything posted by jononfire

  1. Just wondering if anyone knows if there is somewhere i can rent a pontoon in town. I would like to buy one possibly next year but i have never been out on one and would like to try it. Thanks
  2. Just wanted to say thank you to Richard Mason (Dutchie) for the BEST DAY OF FISHING I HAVE EVER HAD!!! Started Out Real early as the sun was coming up at Police and took out a Mac. It was my first float. Had 11 fish to the net today and lost a good bunch more! I would recommend going on a trip with Richard to anyone!! Absolutely FANTASTIC day of fishing! Also thanks to the fantastic staff at Southbow and Fishtales for their help over the summer!! THANK YOU!!!!! http://www.bowriveradventures.com/ ........ pictures to come in the trip report section.
  3. Awesome good to hear
  4. Has Anyone ever rented a drift boat for bow river shuttles? How was your experience? Also i am thinking of doing an over night trip. If anyone has done this and has some suggestions where i can camp on the river (preferably and island) let me know thanks!
  5. Just curious. I always hear people talking about getting info from a biologist. How can i contact one
  6. Wedge pond i dont think there are any creeks in the area with grayling
  7. speechless
  8. I never listen to music or anything when i am fishing. But on they way out I always seem to listen to CBC or the Tragically Hip just seems to be "fishing music" for me! How about you?
  9. I buy flies from him all the time on one occasion i needed them right away as i was heading out of town on a trip so i asked if he could overnight them and offered to pay the extra cost. the next day he hand delivered them to me. cant go wrong great flies great guy!
  10. Elbow Lake is great in my opinion
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