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Posts posted by PeteZahut

  1. This is interesting and I have heard it as well. My view on this is that a lot of this comes from the way our city is set up. I lived in Ottawa for a number of years and I always thought it had more "culture" then here. I think the main reason for that is that the downtown and Market are vibrant and busy and people want to be there. There are great restaurants, amazing museums and galleries all centrally located with a lot of really great festivals. This makes it very accessible. I found it quite difficult to find that sort of thing here and the main reason is I don't want to go downtown. I also found that a number of these things are so dispersed throughout the city making it difficult to get to (again, just my view). Any time anyone has said the no culture thing to me it has always been around the arts and I have always responded that it is here, you just have to work a bit harder to find it.

  2. Don,


    As I stated, I did seem to misinterpret the original post. Your examples are valid and I don't really have an opinion as you are right that I have never experienced those places. I still don't agree that someone who has never experienced "x" would not be capable of being passionate about "x" or caring enough to particpate in some manner in bringing "x" back. I just don't agree with a sweeping statement like that.




  3. Those are valid points. Perhaps I misread it or misinterpreted the intent of the post. I have read enough times on this forum blaiming a bunch of different things on the influx of "new" people to Alberta. Right or wrong, when I read the first comment that is what I got and it bothered me. I read that only those who were born here truly care about it or could truly care about it. In the short 8 years that I have been here I have come to appreciate and care about the amazing province we have. I consider this province my home and therefore treat it as such. The fact I don't have memories of the way things used to be doesn't affect how I treat the waters I frequent. Seeing our resource affected by the numerous ways (already mentioned in a 1000 different posts) does bother me and I wouldn't even bother comparing it to how it bothers someone born here as to me it doesn't make a difference. Comparing how passionate one is about certain creeks or types of fish is a futile effort in my opinion.

  4. I really do hate this argument. How many times has the statement been made for so many problems being caused by the influx of people. What about the influx of babies? Should we stop having babies to save the fish? Stupid point I know but like I said I hate this argument.


    Further to this, I have to ask the question of when do you draw the line on the exceptional amount of populattion? Were your parents born in Alberta Don? I was not, but my daughter was, so will she care more because she was born here? Doubt it, in my opinion being born here doesn't mean you would care more. I don't really have a point, just a comment. I can appreciate your longing for days past but essentially blaming me for the impact on fish here in Alberta because I wasn't born here and therefore don't care as much as you is plain wrong.


    Again, I hate this argument which is never ending and I don't usually comment on them. This one bugged me.

  5. Everyone has their opinion about Mac versus PC. I personally would never use a Mac. I do a fair bit of HD video editing, my wife does a ton of Photoshop work and we have had no issues with viruses. I have a Core I5 (when they were offering it in a quad core) and it is unreal. My wife used to use a Mac at work and actually said that our home PC was better. So my point is, we all have our opinions and this one in my opinion is really a choice in preference. If you are used to using a PC then stick with it. If you would like to make a change then do some reading (and don't depend on the opinions here as I haven't read a solid argument from either side here).


    As for the 64bit issue brought up. Unless you are looking to run something extremely old then I wouldn't worry about it. Most apps still run on the 64bit machine. I am also questioning if it is an actual 64bit issue and not native drivers and so forth in the OS. Same reason why some apps would run on XP and not on Vista.


    By the way, I think you would be getting a pretty decent machine for that price. It doesn't sound like your normal use would stretch the capabilities of that machine.

  6. I have a Fat Cat and always take the air out. I don't use it enough to care about the hassles of inflating and deflating. I like the idea of using straps connected to it but for me I avoided that and bought a huge backpack that I can fit the tube in deflated. I then clip on my flippers and hand pump and I am good to go.


    It is a lot of fun but does kind of suck when you get blown across a lake and then have to kick your way back. Is pretty tiring.

  7. The wife and I flew into Michelle about 5 years ago for our honeymoon. This was a one day fish and was guided but flown through Ice Field. I in no way feel that we cheapened the trip or lessened the experience by flying. Being a newlywed I needed to save my stamina for other things if you know what I mean. To each is own.

  8. That is a beautiful area there. We went down there a few years ago and tried a bit in one of the small streams that drains into Lake Pend Orielle. We didn't have much luck though. I heard the Clark Fork is good but we didn't have a chance to hit it. Unfortunately we were down there visiting some relatives who have a condo on the lake so we didn't get to investigate too much.


    If you find something good down there I would love to hear about it as we may head down there again this summer.


    Good luck!

  9. 32" or 34"


    sounds like he didn't have a tape measure either...


    rickr when it comes to claims fish of these proportions call me a denier unless you can verify it.


    Why does he need to verify it to you? Or your comment about better having a picture, a tape measure and someone to verify it? Some of you take this so seriously it is a joke.


    If someone says they caught a 32 inch trout then good on them. And whether they have a picture or a witness I really don't care, what others catch for fish doesn't concern me nor does it affect my fishing in any way.


    Great pics guys!

  10. I bought the 4wt 8'6 last summer and love it. Yes the price tag is a bit of a downer but for me it was a chance to treat myself to something special. I had a 5wt Orvis Clearwater before that so this was a pretty big step up in quality. Not one episode of buyer's remorse either.

  11. You certainly have the right to your own opinion. The only issue I have with it is that you come across with the attitude that people making small changes has no impact and that only the big gestures mean anything. I also don't agree with your statement (or what seems to be your opinion) that the only gestures worth anything or those that must inconvenience you. Sorry, that doesn't align with my thinking which is fine. At the end of the day, we as a family unit do make small changes that make a difference to us. No one will notice and I don't care. We live in a big house in the burbs and drive to work and I am fine with it because that is our choice. We do things that we believe when added to what others do will make a difference in the long run. Anyways, we do what we do, you do what you do while others do what they can and at then end of the day it does make a difference. Small or large it is a difference and it is better than nothing at all. Just my two cents.

  12. I am not sure what the problem with a reusable cup is?? I personally think using reusable cups is better than using paper cups. With the amount of coffee I drink it does make a difference in my eyes. One small effort by an individual is better than standing back and poking holes at every option. But I imagine that won't be good enough for Canadensis who seems to be jumping on everything. I don't drink Timmys but I do drink Starbucks. I also very rarely go through a drive-thru, it is usually quicker to go inside.

  13. and what about those who hunt for racks??? if it is legal, then what is the damn problem with keeping it??? starting to hate this site more and more everyday with all the holier than thou attitudes...


    I am with you on this one. I am starting to frequent this forum less and less as it seems that almost every thread is riddled with this type of attitude and it is getting boring. Everything from taking pictures of your fish, sharing locations, random camping,etc etc etc. The same thing over and over again. You still get the occasional gem of someone telling about a great experience that keeps me coming back but these are getting out done by the complaint threads.

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