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    West of the sun, east of the moon

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Baetis Nymph

Baetis Nymph (3/10)



  1. The legal clinic at U of C is Student Legal Assistance (403-220-6637). Just like Calgary Legal Guidance, Student Legal Assistance is geared towards low income individuals. Before taking on your case, you will be grilled on your net worth down to car, bank accounts, assets of value. I forget what the threshold is...I seem to remember it being something like $24K. While the reaction to sue the party with the deepest pockets is always most palatable...your remedies against the management company/landlord are likely limited. Check out the Residential Tenancies Act and the terms of your lease. It seems like your lease was frustrated (no longer in a condition that could be lived in). It also sounds like your lease had a termination clause applicable to the frustrating circumstances which kicked in. Bottom line, big picture - in a frustrated contract the parties are freed from their obligations. The tenant is entitled to recover monies paid for the lease for which the tenant did not get to enjoy (ex. you paid the month's rent but only occupied premises for 15 days). In a terminated contract - parties walk away from the contract in accordance with the termination provisions of the lease. Sure...you can argue the landlord/management company had a duty of care to you which it failed to meet and seek damages. However, as other posters have commented...it all turns on facts...landlord will argue that the other tenant was the cause of your damages. As for going against the other tenant - you are going to be alleging that the tenant was negligent (a tort - a civil wrong doing). Read up on the law of negligence and consider the law of nuisance as well (although the ability to argue nuisance really turns on facts). There are lots of online resources that explain direct and consequential damages in tort matters. Your success in obtaining things like lost wages, etc. will turn on the foreseeability of those damages. Small claims court is truly the people's court. The judge is not going to expect lay people nor does the system require people to argue legal principles as if they were appearing before a judge at Queen's Bench. First, familiarize yourself with the legal principles. Prepare a detailed statement of facts along with all supporting documentation. Be prepared to connect the dots in how your facts relate to the legal principles. As other posters have commented - success in small claims court is not difficult. It's the enforecement of a judgement that can be very difficult depending on the circumstances.
  2. SJW - stop fiddling with my posts...GRRR! Absolute power corrupts absolutely here! Or should I say that absolute power goes BEYOND corrupting absolutely?
  3. SJW - I can't help but notice that you are the best looking man i've ever laid my eyes on.
  4. Ohhh...back on topic. Worst thing that every happened to me was back in the 70s...there was the belief that to cut was to heal. I kept on getting ear/sinus infections so it was recommended by an otolaryngologist that I have surgery to widen my sinus cavities. They literally peeled my nose off my face. A few weeks after the operation, my mom was walking me to kindergarten when she slipped on some ice and somehow fell on top of me...more particularly...on top of my nose. Whenever I'm peeved with my mom...I love pulling out the "you're the reason why my nose has a bump on it".
  5. SJW - you are beyond original! Where do you find these youtube clips? It's beyond my imagination how you find them...you know, I'm just tearin around these interwibbles...no time to find such beyond original content.
  6. The CARE centre is in Deerfoot Meadows - not too far from the Trail Appliance store (old Costco). My old boy went into kidney failure (he was living with chronic renal disease for 9 mo) and the CARE centre managed to flush his kidneys and give me another 6 days with him. The care he received there was incredible but it did cost a pretty penny. Nonetheless, I treasure those pics I took with him during his last few days...I still miss him today.
  7. To prevent a complete thread hijack - I will mention that I too think the site should have a chat room. SJW - Ummm...hello...how do you know what me & my fish girl did this summer? We know your secret spot under 22X and were quite successful. And just to pwn you some more...here's hoping that my pic loads properly...our haul in Mexico was far superior to yours. I'm the hottie on the right.
  8. Well...while you were getting busy this summer SJW...me and the girls were out there practicing. As I recall, my sailfish was also bigger than your sailfish.
  9. SJW - You are currently holding some of my millions in a trust account for what I believe to be a Nigerian prince (or was it for your noggin bucket fund or my damn sushi boat!!). When you're a bored, rich playgirl...it's hard to keep track. I also think you should have a fly fishing derby - ex. biggest bull trout from a certain high mountain stream on a specified day wins a prize. Me and my other fish girl will put ya to shame.
  10. How about updating the homepage as well?
  11. Watching stuff like that makes my ovaries shrivel up a little more each day.
  12. Thanks for the suggestions. I was thinking something around 3 hours. I've got to get rid of this farmer's tan that I've got going in favour of a bikini line tan.
  13. Thanks SanJuanWorm - I'm actually looking for something outside the Calgary city limits to the south. So based on your post perhaps entering the Bow around 22X or the DeWinton bridge and heading south...how far along Highwood can/should one go?
  14. Can anyone recommend a nice lazy float trip south of the City. What are the Highwood or Sheep rivers like to just chill and float down the river? Am planning to go with non-fishing orientated people so fishing prospects not critical. Thx!
  15. Way to go Hawgstoppah! I like your style! I don't know if I can handle watching the game tonight - maybe I need to pick up some defibrillation paddles on the way home. GO FLAMES GO!
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