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About PEISteve

  • Birthday 05/18/1969

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PEISteve's Achievements

Baetis Nymph

Baetis Nymph (3/10)



  1. I'm putting heat in the shop (220v), and need someone that knows what they are doing (not me) to hook up a receptacle and wire into shop panel. Anyone out there? Thanks, Steve
  2. I have a kerosene heater for my garage, anyone know where to buy kerosene in bulk, (5 gallon jerry can)? Thanks, Steve
  3. Any opinions on the BB Playbook? Daughter wants one for Christmas. Does it come with the software to edit word documents and excel files? Thanks Steve
  4. Any interest in forming an informal group of pontoon boaters? No formal meetings or organized group outings, just for the purposes of transport, shuttling vehicles, not going out alone, etc. I can put together an email, IM and texting list. PM me if you're interested. Steve
  5. This is not new for the US, Quoting George Carlin......"Go to Wikipedia, type in Japanese Americans 1942"
  6. My 2c I'll offer some background from a report I was involved with compiling for the Provincial gov't of PEI a few years ago. This is from Prince Edward Island, but you can translate it to Alberta with some imagination. In 2008, the population of PEI was approximately 138,000. Approximately 6000 resident and 600 non resident licenses were sold on PEI. This generated about $150K, which goes into the provincial gov't general revenue. Peanuts, pays the salaries of 2 & 1/2 conservation officers. There is also a conservation fee of $20 per angler that goes to an NGO for distribution to approved watershed and conservation groups. The average age of an angler in PEI was 49 for males, 43 for females. These 6600 anglers spent $4.1 Million on purchases attributable to the recreational fishery. $2.4 Million direct spending on major purchases such as boats, campers, fishing equipment, land, buildings). The remaining $1.7 Million is attributed to fuel, food, lodging, etc. while angling. Average Disposible income in 2008: PEI - 0.87% (1.12% in Alberta) Average net worth: PEI - $85.4K (Alberta - $106.6K) Without getting into proper statistcal calculations, the economic value of the recreational fishery in comparison to PEI in 2008. $4.1M/6600 anglers equals $136.7M/220000 anglers. 136.7 + 0.25% additional disposible income. (where else are anglers spending extra money) = $137 Million, the add in a guess for the net worth gap. Then add whatever you may think these things are worth: There are only 2 small manmade lakes on PEI, zero boat sales over a 12 foot aluminum dory. There is also virtually no guide services save for a half dozen part timers in the province. We're likely giving $200 Million a good scare in this province. To say our fish have no value to the economy is a sad misconception. Steve
  7. I am considering buying a Sea Eagle Foldcat pontoon, either the 2 or 4 man. I cant recall seeing one around here. Anyone have any experience and opinions on this boat? Steve
  8. Thanks all, and Dave. lol
  9. Can anyone recommend a decent real estate lawyer, maybe there is one on the board here. Shoot me a PM. Thanks, Steve
  10. Check out Redington. I bought one at FishTales about 3 years ago, I think it was $75. Lots of big pockets and such.
  11. I'm getting a new pair of glasses for a Christmas gift. I've worn Bolle's for years and loved them. What's new in the polarized glasses world, what would be your pick if you were buying new ones today? Steve
  12. Anyone up for some cards tonight in Chaparral? PM me if interested and I'll make the call around 6:00 Trying to scare up 4-5 bodies. Steve
  13. There is a course available that is recognized by many provinces tourism organizations. I took the course a few years ago, quite good actually. http://www.emerit.ca Steve
  14. I'd be in for a FFC poker night. If one gets set up let me know. Steve
  15. I typically fish south of 22X and have to contend with a ton of dog walkers along the trails. No big deal, I like dogs and they need to be walked. What I notice more lately is the lack of scooping that the walkers do on the trails. But what really gets me are the ones who bag their dogs crap and then leave the bag on the trail. They dont realize that now they are breaking two laws.
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