Hi there Brent, no I did not mean flyfishermen are to blame. I think we as a whole should be doing something about these species of birds, somehow there has to be a way to discourage these birds from feeding from this lake. I really like the idea of the trophy status, but this lake can be improved immensely, with these criteria such as allowed to take home 1 fish under 15 inches, bait ban, no icefishing, no motors of any sort,also I would be in favor of a pay to fish or special License or stamp this way you could control the date the lake is open to fish. With the smaller size allowing 1 fish under 15 inches this should keep some of the meat eaters from fishing this lake. As far as the icefishermen using bait when I was out there I did not see anyone fishing that way. There was a parks guy fishing, he actually came over and talked to me and I reconized who he was, he just wanted know how things were going. He left the lake at 12:00pm I had left shortly after, no one would have known who he was as he was dressed like anyone else that was out icefishing, he also told me he had been there since 7:00am. Getting back to the pay extra to fish this lake this may also chase away the bait chuckers, the funds collected from this special stamp or license could be used in various ways, aeration, getting rid of the birds, or maybe make the lake wheelchair accessible like building a deck of some sort for the handicapped. also once Michelle lake starts get rolling again and Reesor gets cleaned up which is starting construction in november on the repairs for the dam. I'm figuring in about 5 years you will not see the fishing pressure we are seeing now because hopefully Reesor Lake And Michelle Lake will be back to full capacity and the fish grow to their full potential in these lakes. Thanx Brent for taking the time for reading what I have to share Have a good Day.