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Everything posted by ausnuck

  1. I've had Sirius for the past few months. Driving between Prince George and Calgary or Edmonchuck, reception is fine. I got it for the same reasons as most, crappy radio stations, but if you think Cowtown has bad stations, try a regional centre for ear bleeding crap. I picked up my receiver cheap during boxing week, so if you can hold out for 8 more months... However, as others have said, it can get repetitive, so change your stations around, or you'll not see the value in paying for radio, which I had a hard time getting over, until I realised how much time I spend in my truck.
  2. Big Sky Brewing has a few decent drops. My fave is Moose Drool Ale. I don't remember seeing Trout Slayer, but it could be a seasonal thing. If you ever take a trip to Missoula, be sure to stop by and sample their brews. Oh, and they have these things called growlers, which are from memory 1/2 gallon bottles that you can refill. If you go there on a Tuesday they're $5.00 for a fill up. A lot of microbrewers in the US seem to do this.
  3. Central and northern SK, as others have mentioned, has a ton of slough sharks. Take your #8 with a wire leader and fly fish for the beasts. Just watch as that shadow closes in on your fly, sizing it up as easy pickings. Good Times!
  4. Because I have cabin fever, and I'm avoiding the things I should be doing, I will attempt to answer the questions above 1. Yes, you can cry underwater. Just try doing a fish count in the Vedder River (Lower Mainland BC) when the steelhead are running. 500 hooks for every 2 fish unlucky enough to make the Vedder their spawning grounds. 2. When you put your 2 cents in, you are offering an opinion. A thought will cost the listener 1 cent. Therefore, an opinion is worth double that of a thought, even though less effort is required. 3. Death. A ham is a dead pig cured! 4. Only if the lawyer is listening. 5. Simple, 1 rack, 2 butt cheeks 6. What would you rather see, someone field dressing a cow, or the steaks in their little styrofoam plates? 7. The professor had a PhD in electronics engineering, he was not a shipwright. 8. Riddle me this, have you ever heard a bunch of 6 year olds sing? Would you say they were all in key? 9. I didn't, I was practicing my elk bugling for fall. This nonsense has been brought to you by someone who could be out fishing, but should be painting the house...
  5. LOL! I see he has managed to achieve this status across two provinces!
  6. Any more hints?
  7. Alright Tako, because I know you're broke and ergo bored, I'll play along. My guess is a chinook parr. It's only a guess though fish geek boy. When did you catch it?
  8. I remember getting into it when I was ahout 13. I can't remember how, as there really wasn't any fly fishing where I grew up (Adelaide, South Australia). I guess I was always an avid reader of foreign fishing magazines. Through serendipity, my high school offered fly tying as a Friday afternoon time filler. Though lack of access to trout water, I stopped, and started again when I moved to Calgary in 2000. Since I took it up again, I have caught browns, brookies, rainbows, grayling, RM whitefish, pike, chum salmon, smallmouth bass, black crappie and sunfish on the fly (between Alberta and BC). It's a blast. My toys are a 3 weight, and a 5 weight. Used to have an 8 but the removalists made short work of that. Apart from salmon in the 'chuck, fly fishing is all I do now.
  9. C'mon Tako, feeling for a pulse isn't exactly being "picky"
  10. Can't think of too much around Agassiz. There is a place on a rez nearby that from memory rents cabins. I can't remember the name, but it's out by the confluence of the Harrison and the Fraser. I'll look into it for ya.
  11. Ok, if I make it out there I know a few spots. Would you be interested in going?
  12. Yeah, I know about the Poor feeling. Plus the price of gas shot up the other day, so driving the guzzler sure isn't easy on the wallet. I was wondering about heading out around Purden next weekend. Any thoughts?
  13. Sure, I know the feeling. It's been too long since I waved a flyrod around man. Have you been out churning up the ice lately? Looks like a beautiful day out there
  14. What made you think we've had enough warm weather? Did Eric's midterm frazzle your brain?
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