Correct, by definition of the federal regulations any threatened or endangered species or population under the SARA SHOULD have hunting or fishing stopped, but the provincial govt makes the decision on what actually happens with respect to regulations (for example, white sturgeon in BC are threatened under SARA, but angling is allowed in the Fraser, and not elsewhere). This is a good thing as it is absurd to say that angling (under current regulations) is doing much to threaten the vast majority if not all pure alberta cutthroats....
The temperature barrier hypothesis looks like the most promising theory on hybridization isolating mechanisms in the absence of physical migration barriers. The main concern then would be things that alter stream temperature gradients such as road construction, logging, water withdrawl and the like.
I agree on the east slopes stamp and increased enforecement. Would go a long ways to reduce illegal activity and crowding. As far as giving up fishing for ALL native cutt populations, I would only accept the sacrifice if all potential (and MUCH greater) threats were banned as well, ie. road construction, OHVs, oil exploration and logging.... We all know how likely that is
BTW, this is Will