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About darthwader

  • Birthday 08/04/1971

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  1. If anyone happened upon an iPhone at the parking area on a private piece of land on the oldman today, please PM. There was a grey Chrysler/dodge 300 style car there when we left. If you saw it, please let me know. Thanks.
  2. Wow... I just coughed up my coffee. That is some funny stuff! On another note...IMHO BassPro is the worst store in town and I will be happy to visit the smaller, independent guys who seem to care, know what they are talking about, know the river and give you the time of day. ** No offense meant Colin!!
  3. I will work with the golf side of things, as it has come up throughout this thread. A company like Taylor,Ping, Callaway etc. Yes, you pay for the name, and you pay for the warranty, and the advertising. But, and this is a biggy in golf. With those clubs, you get a ton of R&d to try to make the game easier. Those clubs are designed to take terrible shots and make them half decent. There is legitimate science involved behind todays clubs and you pay for a lot of different things when you buy them. They are designed to make you hit the ball BETTER. When you buy knock offs, you buy something that LOOKS LIKE something that is designed to hit the ball better. Big difference there. I have always felt that these companies lead the industry and evrone else simply follows. There is demand in the golf market for quality, craftsmanship and "prestige" factor with these clubs. I think fly fishing to a degree is like that. I am not certain how much the difference in R&D is between Sage and Temple Fork, but I know that I have had both and I have enjoyed both. When it comes to high end stuff, you always pay some for the name. I kind of figure 3 or 4 different people make a profit on your clubs,2 of which even before you see the gear. An example: Set of Irons Manufacture cost $250 Sell to distributor $350 Rep Price to retailer $400 Retail Price $575 There is a definite market for high end gear in all past times. If a manufacturer is able to cut a link out of the supply chain, then they can get their products to market cheaper. If they have to go through many distribution channels, there will be additional cost. Some people honestly believe they will be better with that gear and some don't. There are enough different channels out there to get good deals and buy used and get the rod you want. If you believe Sage will help you cast better and you do cast better when you use it and you can afford it, go for it. If you prefer to buy 4 Temple Forks for the price of one Sage, go for that. At the end of the day...who cares, you got what you wanted and could afford. Later,
  4. Wow!! We stayed there too last November. My report would pretty much echo yours. The only thing that I would add is that if you are going to Maui...do the Blue Water Rafting Compnay trip. It was unbelievably cool...a little extreme, and snorkelling the BACK side of Molikini was worth the price of admission alone. The guides were great and they take you into the Lava caves down and past Big Beach. Here is the link ... http://bluewaterrafting.com/ Enjoy Maui...it is a pretty incredible place.
  5. Andy... I don't mean to jump on you but...Flyfishing in Southern Alberta is about as mainstream as I would like to see it thank you very much. Furthermore, ask any retailer of fishing and outdoor gear in this area and they will clearly tell you that this market is competitive enough. You will have a very, very hard time convincing me that the opening of BSP is good for Frenchy's, Fish Tales, Jim'splace, Westwinds, the fising hole, russels, riptor, etc
  6. You know... I had him nicely stretched out to his full 22 and I turn my back for one second.... LOL... I will try not to cut off his hand!! Thanks
  7. This is the closest thing to 22 inches I have caught this year!! This, the newest fly fisher inCalgary, is Max, born Aug 12. If you see him on your water...let me know. You will know it is him by his rather shrill scream!!
  8. I seem to get one a trip now on Triple Deckers, Hoppers or Stones. They have a pretty cool take on the dry. Shoulers.... then nothing. No splat, no flash...nothing. Good times
  9. Found this cruising around...you may have seen it... if not, it's pretty cool http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDQ1GAZZk6E
  10. That site is great...the one with girl on the duck ride is too funny... but I can't get it to post here
  11. Son of a ... That's my favorite, secret fishing spot!! That's the last time I post a pic that shows location
  12. People are so uppity nowadays. Gone are the days when you could just walk over to someone's driveway and do a jobbie. What is this world coming to??
  13. darthwader

    North Vi

    I was ou there this past weekend and we went up to Gold River for a drive. I watched three guys in a zodiac drift through some pretty fantastic looking water. Unfortunately, I was not fishing, just spectating. Beautiful spot though...wow.
  14. I will second that. The first day we took a family tour and snorkeled the inner part of the crater. Very neat to see and a very worthwhile experience. The second day, we took an adventure tour , Blue Water Rafting, I think it was called and we snorkelled the back of Molikini. 300 foot straight drop coral wall. Very cool and very different. I would highly recommend both. BTW...that adventure tour goes way round the south tip of Maui and goes into blowholes and sea caves, all while you are sitting on a 30 foot zodiac pontoon. Really cool and definitely the best thing we did there. It is not for the faint of heart though, as it can get rough in the open water. DW
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