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Mayfly (4/10)
If there is something to potentially be worried about - I'd cc the Transportation Safety Board (if it's under their mandate - it might be someone else for rail?). Then by the practice of due diligence which CP is responsible for (as we all are) they can't deny knowledge of it, blah, blah, blah... Document your documentation, if there's a spill you can always send your correspondence to 1800-media for some good ol fashioned shaming AFTER CP has denied any knowledge of degraded tracks.
Damn I miss that place! When it was/is on - it's incredible!
Yes, we used to call them "Maracas" because they were so full you could hear the snails in their stomachs when you picked them up. On occasion trout gorge themselves on snails. Why? Who the F know? I've rarely found just one or two snails, usually they are chock full or none at all. I know Reg Denny took a shot at a snail fly years ago - don't know if it worked for him or not.
Budget Cuts Threaten Wildlife Programs
Grizz replied to Weedy1's topic in General Chat - Fishing Related
While I don't fully agree with Clive on this, I do agree that the climate change issue has sucked funds from departments NPO (non-pay operating) budgets. No question. Don't know if I'd go so far as to blame the greying chicken littles, but there's definitely moneys being diverted. In some cases salary dollars are hurting in these departments as well due to funds going elsewhere and the "beefing up" of staff compliments to address hot topic/in fashion issues (such as Clive's example). During the liberal reign, they would have likely just pumped more cash into it all and rode it out (into the red if need be). Since the conservatives are in power, they are just doing what they do best - tightening purse strings across the board. They want to see the cash going into business programs towards growth and expansion (getting rich on our resources), NOT towards sustainability or the environment (or social programs for that matter). From the federal standpoint - likely we will soon be looking at the usual job cuts for fed employees in many departments (probably any departments dealing with environment or sustainability). Another broken promise from Stevie (I still think the guy looks like a Ken Doll! - His head is about as empty too!). Now, ordinarily everyone says "Who gives a crap? Just a bunch of whiney govt. workers who should be glad they have a job!". However, interestingly, we keep hearing how the environment is not managed properly, long-term thinking by government is lacking, and why aren't they taking care of issue X? Answer is, there's few government workers left to do it. Less workers and more responsibility, for average pay - and we expect these folks to work until 8:00pm every night to cover the work of a department that just let it's workers go? Makes no sense to me. Might as well go work in the private sector where you work til 8:00pm and actually get paid way more than the govt. salary. I just spoke to a fellow a few months ago who worked for the Feds in Calgary. He had, what ordinarily would be a great job. High level physical science job paying around $90,000/year and he was responsible for the entire province of Alberta under his mandate. He was doing a good job but expectations of him were ridiculous. He left to another job to - get this - drive a truck with a device on the back used in the oil patch (not operate it - just drive the truck!). He told me his pay was quite significantly higher than he was making with the Feds. This is an educated young fella! Smart as a whip, capable and a very "take-ownership" kind of work ethic. But it just wasn't worth it anymore. He was just another example of what I keep hearing in provinces and federal offices. We write letters to ministers, government agencies, rant and rave about why they aren't doing anything, but they just don't have the budget, or the swinging dicks in the field to drop what they are mandated to do on a daily basis (or was the hot topic 2 years ago and they are still working on), and start focusing on what folks want now. We want more COs, and we call them pick up jockeys. How much does a CO make? How often is he working well past a normal work day, infringing on his family time, etc. etc.? All that for average pay? *hit, he might as well go work in the oil field and get paid well for missing his family time. After being in and out of government, academia, and private industry for years in various roles and on various sides of the table - I have made the repeated observation that "Lazy government workers" does not apply anymore (Personally - I think it used to - just not for the last 10 years or so). Everyone I know in government, beyond a front desk agent level (Federal AND provincial), seem to have waaay more responsibility and expectations laid on them than I've ever seen. They don't make near as much as their counterparts in private industry (or academia either!). I'm sure someone can pull some statistics out of a hat somewhere that will show the opposite and prove how lazy our government guys still are and how thankful they should be that we don't all torch their houses. And, if I gave a crap about what I'm shooting my mouth off about, I'd find some more showing the vary reverse (statistics are so wonderful to make your point with regardless of what it is! Hell 82% of people know that!). But these are just my observations over time. Yeah, there's always a lazy guy around the office, but that's pretty much the same in the private sector too - always some bad examples. Further, and more to the point of the thread, government spending is so often not about wasting money, just mis-allocation (arguably the same thing) and poor prioritization. Funny how you're listening to the radio and you hear something like "It was announced today there would be 3.5 million dollars available for the expansion of the construction project in bum-f**k, Alberta" then 2 minutes later "The Calgary homeless shelter stated today that due to lack of government funding they will be closing their doors in two months unless $75,000 is raised." You can insert whatever examples you like in there. Years ago in Edmonton, the Journal was lambasted (by the city) for printing side by side the announcement that Mayor had pledged almost $500,000 to a city celebration of it's birthday downtown (?? I think that was the reason, but I cant remember the occasion precisely), next to it ran an article on the Boyle street shelter which may have to close it's doors due to funding being cut off by the city (or words to that effect - It was some time ago). I always thought that highlighted money management in government. But back to the topic really. Who didn't see this coming? Conservative government gets in after years under the Libs, how long til the conservatives can make some real damage? It take a year or two before they can start screwing things up again. Then the Libs get back in, and it takes them a few years before they reallocate the dollars to where they see fit. Same old cycle. Govt. workers in environment an social areas always duck when the conservatives get in. It's about timing really. If we could predict the economy for the next few years, we'd best get the Cons in, if things look good, best get the Libs in. The Liberal scandal in Quebec was just peanuts compared to what goes on regardless of the government in place. The Cons will get bad press and a rep for scandals soon enough. Longer they are in - the higher the likelihood of an "Airbus-gate" or "Shawini-gate" or other type of scandal. The Conservatives suits will get wrinkled soon enough, likely after they've managed a majority (God help us all if that happens!). OK enough of my ranting... Time to cut my opinion to shreds now... -
I used to fish with my dog - Either that or worms... Then I switched to fly fishing and now I don't use bait.
As a long time wisher of a trip into Harvey Lake. Hours of staring at the map, talking to folks, etc. I can say that what you did Pat was in a lot of ways reached the "Holy Grail" of JNP fishing. In the list of things I'd wished I had done in my life, hiking into Harvey ranks in the top 5 (without hyperbole either - really! I've stared at that lake and the old stocking reports on it my whole life...wondering). Wished I had done it and I thank you for the opportunity to view your photos! Speculation by myself and other as to the fishing in the lake, routes in/out, trails, best access, etc. has been rampant for a long time. While there are indeed a rare few folks who have hiked into the lake, more often than not they were not fishermen, or of the kind that really aren't serious about fishing. As a result only speculative reports have made their way out over the years. I've met with JNP staff on the subject and even they have scratched their heads and wondered as to what it held. Ordinarily I'd be a bit concerned as to stating the location of this lake, but I highly doubt there are many folks out there with the kind of gonads it takes to get in and out of that location. There are easier locations to hit for fishing that this place. And by easier I mean, like 99% of the backcountry lakes ever mentioned on this board. The sheer effort it takes compared to other locations dwarfs the fishing bug most men have. I have only a few comments in regards to the adventure you undertook: BALLS OF STEEL HikeToFish! and I hereby knight thee as "Lord and master of back country fishing!" Truly and without question an adventure to respect!
If 7-11s are open 24 hrs a day every day all year...why are there locks on the doors? We call a mouse a mouse, we call more than one mice. We call a goose a goose, and more than one geese. Why do we call a moose a moose, but not more than one meese (mice is already taken)?
So...many...places...to...go...with...this...can't....stop....soooooo.......hard...not...to...type...stuff.....aaaarrrrgyuaaa ahhhh!!!!!!!! Whew! That was close!
Don, It might not stick. http://www.cbc.ca/canada/calgary/story/2007/09/12/oil.html
I heard it was caught on just a baby....
I don't think it's a hatchery thing, because I've caught a number of brookies from lakes that had the same anomaly over the years (to varying degrees). The brookies were a naturally reproducing pop. However, in areas that have been stocked, like you I've seen the same thing. Because it is on several fish, repeatedly, I've always assumed it was a genetic expression of some sort. Perhaps an infection? Good quesiton! I too would like to hear anyone's thoughts on this.
I usually just sneak up behind them and give their butt a squeeze. Works fine for me... I do the same for Susans, Wendys, and many others too!
A lot of Hutterite colonies will stock their dugouts. If you talk to them...sometimes they let you fish them. I was at one colony a few years back and there were 5lb rainbows rolling on the surface. We fished it later and it was, well.....just too damn easy! Felt like I was at a hatchery or something!
Hey! Those are great fun! I'm surprised they don't get targeted more often!