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Posts posted by Conor

  1. I believe the hook set and the way the trout takes the fly, has everything to do with the success of the landings.



    You say a lot of bang on shiznit, TM, but this is one of your best!


    I found the same this season. I have not pulled a single hook from a fish I had a good hook set in. Every LDR I have had was on a tentative or, more often, late hook set. It is no coincidence that the more intense guys catch more fish.


    Also, I have not pulled a hook because of too much pressure (on a well hooked fish). I find long fights tedious and boring. The presentation, the take and the hook set are my favorite moments of a catch, followed by landing, and with the fight a distant last. A good, hard, fast paced fight is a blast, but it is nothing like seeing a big brown tip his nose at your wicked presentation.


    I have babied a few fish this year, because I REALLY wanted to see them up close, but I didn't enjoy it. Also, I usually felt a bit guilty for putting my simple wants over the fish's health.

  2. Use a razor blade. I have not done many, but I get better results with a fresh razor than with scissors.


    An electric trimmer works, as well. A small beard trimmer or nose hair trimmer is best (not that I have nose hair!).

  3. I tie a very simple damsel. It is killer, as well.



    Tie in the eyes (bead chain, melted mono etc)


    Tie back a light wire to the hook bend.


    Tie in a sparse tuft of marabou about 2x hook length, for a bit of a tail. Leave the tag ends.


    Tie the thread forward to the eye.


    Wrap the marabou down along the shank with the wire, allowing some roll.


    Make a wrap or two around the eye and tie off.

  4. I am about to buy a new 5-6 wt general purpose rod. Mostly bow river nymphing, streamers and larger dry stuff. I have an 8wt for the big stuff, and a 5wt cane for dries.


    I am leaning toward a 5wt 10'. Maybe a 6wt.


    I'd like to here some opinions from guys who have used 10' rods on the bow. I like to idea of the extra length for one handed spey stuff and for short lining.


    Also, some opinions on the 5 or 6 wt choice would be good.

  5. I'm with Harps on this one. I bet I rarely spend more than a minute with a fish. 2-3 with a good fish on 5x. It seems like a long time when you are desperate to have that fish to hand.


    I will time it next time I am out. I bet we would all be surprised how little time we are actually connected to a fish.

  6. I fell twice today. It was not very funny because there was no one there to make fun of me. It just hurt. It is much better when at least someone gets a laugh out of it.


    Last week a fishing buddy decided it would be funny to scare me off of the log I was balanced on by letting off a bear banger. I hear a "pop" and turn to see him flailing for balance and falling of his log into 3 feet of mud. That was funny :D

  7. I started using Partridge, recently. Awesome hooks. The have great strength and will not bend out. Even the lighter wire scud hooks will last though a bunch of big fish.


    Otherwise, I use Diiachi or Tiemco. Mustads are much to brittle for anything under #12.

  8. After I moved here, I had my box set up at Guitar Works on 17th NW. Had no complaints, at all.


    I have a bottom of the barrel Larivee (out of BC) and it is a gem. It sounds as good as a guitar 2-3x the price. It is the 01 series; hard to find, but if you come across one, buy it.

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